Basil Newburg

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Name: Basil Newburg

Gender: Male

Age: 700 range

Species: Fae


Basil is 5'8, has curly ink-black hair, golden-brown eyes, thin lips, and cheery softer features. His body is fit and lean.

 His body is fit and lean

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Personality: Basil is a pleasant character to be around, constantly being respectful twords others and over all a warm person to be around

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Personality: Basil is a pleasant character to be around, constantly being respectful twords others and over all a warm person to be around. He is a bit clumsy at times but makes up for it for being positive. Basil can get flustered easily and often gets picked on a bit by Cyrus for it.

Occupation: blacksmith! He makes weapons and fixes them too. Travels around training goods he makes or just fixes things.

Abilities: He can manipulate blue fire though not for very long before getting tired. Basil can attack close range however far away he can't.

Weapon preference: battle axe

Clan: his clan is settled near a volcano on an island near the north

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Clan: his clan is settled near a volcano on an island near the north. The island is close enough to boat to the main land. The island is full of fruits, birds, crabs, and other aquatic animes. The sands in his territory are black and white depending on which side of the island you are in.
Because they live so close to a volcano the air smells of ash.
The clan's most prideful of their sea dishes and ability to live close to a volcano.

Backstory: Basil is a tradesmen and blacksmith going from different clans and markets trading goods and fixing things that involve metal.
He lives with his mother, father, and his two little sisters. He is the oldest and was taught his trade by his father (Sage) who is also gifted with working metal and fixing things. His mother (Cora) is a peppy and sweet woman with the craft of making dishes that can send anyone into a daze from how good they taste. His sisters (Ginger and Juniper) keep him on his toes making sure they don't go wondering off or swimming to far in the ocean.
Because of Basil's parents he learned all he knew from them and learned to love his sisters.
Basil also is close friends with the three brothers Gill, Cyrus, and Falkon. He and Falkon where the same age and where best friends when Basil and his father would come to their clan. After the incident Basil tried to stay by Cyrus' side as a friend even if Cyrus didn't listen to him.
Basil would often go drinking with Cy determined to make sure Cyrus didn't do anything stupid.

SN_supernova ayyy he done x)

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