Quilo Petrov

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Name: Quilo Petrov

Nicknames: Quin

Gender: female

Species: avian finch

Species: avian finch

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Age: 19

Hight: 5'5


A delicate and small stance with defined shoulders and fuller breast. Her hair is a dirty blond, short with her bangs pulled out to the side giving her a feisty and edgy look. Her eyes are a bright baby blue, her skin is a delicate rosy white, and her lips are a gentle pink.

 Her eyes are a bright baby blue, her skin is a delicate rosy white, and her lips are a gentle pink

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She has tiny wings that are very brittle with long bones

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She has tiny wings that are very brittle with long bones. Her wings can be very neat when tucked into her back making it look like a sharp pint when the wings come together. Her wings are a complete yellow with a strip of red at the top of the wings.

 Her wings are a complete yellow with a strip of red at the top of the wings

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Personality: Quilo Petrow is the type of character who is naive to the world around her

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Personality: Quilo Petrow is the type of character who is naive to the world around her. She is easy going and a simply sweet girl to be around, loves to make conversation and can talk for hours if given the chance. Quilo can also be blunt in the best or worst ways making it very easy for her to get into trouble or intimidate others.
Quilo doesn't shy away from confronting others which can be really inspiring for others as well as annoying.

Weapon preference: none


Living in a small village in the grasslands Quilo Petrov grew up with a colorful group of close nit family and friends. Her group is nomadic as they move from place too place in the grasslands. Because her family is so disconnected from what's going on with the war they where shel shocked to be swarmed with raptors who took them under their wings with the threat that if they did not follow them they would be killed.
So placed in camps her and her family are forced to stay put.
Quilo slowly will learn what's going on and that not all raptors are horrid.

SN_supernova u3u 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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