Rolan Green (The Blind Bastard)

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Name: Rolan Green

Nicknames: The Blind Bastard

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Species: Half fae and half human


Rolan is an average hight of 5'10, a softer rounded face, reddish lips, and black messy hair. His eyes are pitch black and slanted.
Fun fact, he is blind! However, he can see the souls of things and stuff around him. (I'll talk more about this in abilities)
His ears are actually quite pointed considering his human lineage.
Rolan also has a scar across his lips that goes from his top lip to his chin.

Rolan also has a scar across his lips that goes from his top lip to his chin

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He wares a straw hat to keep the sun out of his eyes. Typically his wardrobe consist of loose pants, grey shirts, and sandals.

 Typically his wardrobe consist of loose pants, grey shirts, and sandals

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Sent: he smell like a peppermint stick

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Sent: he smell like a peppermint stick

Personality: Rolan is quick to showing off in front of others and a trouble maker

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Personality: Rolan is quick to showing off in front of others and a trouble maker. He is very prideful in his abilities and proves this by going from different lands to challenge other fae or humans to fights.
In situations he is more likely to blow up then listen to reason, and instead uses his brutal force and intimidation.

Abilities: Rolan's blindness actually in it's self is an ability. He can see the souls of other living things and can see the emotions they are showing by the colors. Things like rocks, houses, doors and other objects he can't see. Only living things.
The set back to his blindness is that he can be overwhelmed when there is a large crowds or if people sneak up on him.

Weapon preference:
He has a walking stick he uses to defend himself. Has used this to wip all of his opponents.

Backstory: Born from a human mother and fae father, Rolan was brought up to love everyone no matter the differences

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Backstory: Born from a human mother and fae father, Rolan was brought up to love everyone no matter the differences.

In this time the humans and the Fae where having battles calling his father away to war to join the alliance to fight against both sides. An alliance to unite all human and Fae alike.
Not long did war move twords Rolan and his mother.

His mother saved him from being taken for being a half-breed, but his mother was killed along with Rolan's father as a symbol to the alliance.

Now, war is still brewing and Rolan wants nothing more then to prove he is more then a half-breed.

Now set with a desire to make everyone pay for destroying his family, Rolan now travels the battlefields and war villages in search for defeating everyone in his path.

SN_supernova owo so, your making a Fae girl? Made her a boy friend UwU

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