Edmond Sieks (old oc)

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Name: Edmond Sieks

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Name: Edmond Sieks

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Ability: To light himself on fire. Basically like that one guy from Fantastic 4.

Weakness: Water, and he is clumsy

Bio: Edman is a pretty cool dude. He can come off as a little dull at first, but when you warm up to him he's actually quite witty. He also plays the piano but not often. He usually wears an orange shirt that says 'PianoMan', or just a black and yellow jacket with red jeans.

His theme song: https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=cRgPj35FZS4

Before the realization of his powers, he lived a normal teenage life. He always got into trouble, and you could say he was a hot shot. Speaking out in class, disturbing the people around him. When he finally found out about the ability to light completely on fire, he lost his clothes due to them melting off. So he basically had to run home lit on fire, walk into his house and tell his parents he needed to cool down for a bit. He lives with this for a year, until his parents decide to actually do something with the kid. They shipped him off to a special summer camp, with no hesitation. And Edman must now get used to the 'normal' people like him.

Fun facts about Ed!

He doesn't enjoy swimming or anything that involves water
Emond enjoys hot foods that most people would think two extream

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