D&D Nesvyre

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(Will be editing and adding too)

Name: Nesvyre Druntanak
(Nez-vy-re) (Drun-tan-ak)

Gender: Female

Age: 14/19

Species: Dragonborn

Appearance: Nesvyre is a white dragon born with grey horns and claws, small shark-like teeth.
She has a light blond braid that goes down to the middle of her back and tied with a pink/purple ribbon.
She has a thick tail about three feet in length and has a grey spike at the end of it.
Nesvyre stands at an average of 5'9 and is less muscular as most dragon born (will discuss in background) are typically.
Face wise she has blue eyes and six blue stripes on her cheeks to show what dragon born village she is apart of.

A bright girl with a fun personality. She will often make jokes out of a situation if she is scared/confronted and ends up smiling during inappropriate times. Nesvrye can also be easily confused when dealing with a situation and will try to joke around the problem.
During battle, she can be helpful when distracting an enemy and will often become friends with said enemy instead of fighting.
Down the road, she will learn to be more of a tank as she is slowly learning the basics of pretty much everything that comes to traveling.

Abilities: idk yet

Weapon preference: spear

Backstory: Hailing from a dragon born village that is settled at the base of a mountain Nesvyre is super entertained with the idea of a life of travel and adventure.
She is a fan of reading and often found in her villages agora (a meeting place/Greek term) listening to stories of legendary dragon born and their grand adventures with other races across the land.
One day she is approached by the village's leader and given an opportunity to leave the village.
The leader gave her the task of taking a piece treaty to another dragon born village. This is where he journey begins.

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