Jamarious Jishu

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Name: Jamarious Jishu

Gender: male

Age: 24

Species: high-fae

Fandom: A Cout Of Tornes And Roses

Court: Summer

He has dark brown skin with a bunch of light scars littering his arms and legs. He also has a scar starting at the top of his left eyebrow down to his chin (will be explained eventually)
Jamarious' hair is a pure white and clipped short on the back. He has long bangs framing his face and clipped with silver beads and jewels. His ears are also pierced with iron rings. His eyes are a soft baby pink.
Body-wise he is tall (6'2) and very lean/thin and full of muscle. Most of his hight is in his torso.

 Most of his hight is in his torso

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(I had to doodle him xv)

Jamarious is a very intimidating character with his sharp tongue and judgmental stares. He doesn't take kindly to being told what to do and hates sitting around when he could be out fighting or exploring his territory.
Jamarious, being very skilled in his field of fighting, can very quickly get agitated when he trains with males his age who mess up. He'll often yell at them to correct their mistakes.
Jamarious definitely can be grouchy towards older warriors but is way more patient towards training the youngens.
His main goal in his life is to prove to his family that he was born to wield a weapon.
Funny story but he easily gets flustered by compliments and females who scold him. He had a really good relationship with his mom qwq (this will be explained in time)

Occupation: a warrior

Abilities: Blood welding. Basically, he can control blood either from himself or others. He can control it within someone but when the skin is penetrated its game on.
The one trick to this magic is that if he can't control a steady flow of blood within himself he can black out quickly in a fight so brute force becomes a natural guard.

As a young boy, his family was always praised for healing magic and dark blood magic.
So growing up he was bombarded with schooling on how to be a doctor like his family.
For years Jamarious studied under the most extravagant scholars, mathematicians, and wealthy landowners training one day to be a legend and head of the Jishu household.
But even with all the studying and praise he never had the heart for any of it and would flee his home for days to get away.
He would eventually come back and would be beaten for it.
Jamarious turning the age of 15 he left his family in pursuit of being a warrior and quickly climbed the ranks with his intellect.
When he turned 21 he came back home with the title of Captain and gold but his family disowned him not even letting him step foot into their home.

Skills: battle, hunting, deadly knowledge of the far body.

Flaws: dramatic, gets distracted, battle-hungry, annoyed easily

Asherz247 😭 I'm sorry it took so long but here he is! Thanks for sticking around fam 😔✊

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