Sam Wilkinson Imagine

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imagine jack g and you having crushes on each other but sammy is your ex and he still has feelings for you:

"hey baby" jack says, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. "hey jack" you say turning around and kissing his cheek. you had met up with him at Sammy's house to watch one of the football games. "let's go watch the game" jack said, taking your hand and leading you to the living room where sam was sitting already watching the game. "hey" sammy said as you sat down in between jacks legs. "hey sam" you said back. jack just nodded his head towards sam. after about an hour of the game it was on commercial and jack turned you around in his lap to face him. you wrapped your arms around his neck and laid your head on his shoulder. all of a sudden you felt jack start kissing your neck so you whispered, "jack no, sam's here". "so what he won't notice" he whispered back before kissing your lips and then trailed wet kissed from your lips back to your neck. "jack stop" you whispered again, pushing him a little. "c'mon baby, he won't know I promise" he whispered in reply, pulling you closer to him. he pulled his head back, looking into your eyes and then leaning down to kiss your lips, and of course you kissed back because who could resist him? as you two were kissing, sammy got up and stormed out the living room, up the stairs to his room and slammed the door shut. you pulled back from jack and said, "what the hell was that about" "who cares" jack said, trying to pull you back towards him. "I'm going to go check on him" you said worried about sam. "I'm sure he's fine y/n" jack said, but you ignored what he had said and headed upstairs. you knocked on sam's door but he didn't reply so you just walked in. "sam?" you said. "get the fuck out" sam replied. you walked all the way in and saw him laying on his bed face down. you walked over to the side of his bed and sat down on it. "what's wrong sammy?" you asked softly. "nothing just leave me the hell alone y/n" he said back. "sam I know something's wrong. you know you can tell me anything." you said, and laid a hand on his back. he sat up and looked you in your eyes. he had been crying and it shocked you. this was the first time you'd ever seen sam cry, he didn't even cry when you two broke off your 3 year relationship. "oh my god, sammy what's wrong?!" you asked immediately pulling him into a hug. he laid his head on your chest and you wrapped your arms around him and played with his hair because that always calmed him down. "sammy please tell me what's wrong" you begged. he looked up at you, "I hate seeing you with him y/n. I hate it so much! you were mine first and I can't believe I was so stupid! I let you go when you were the best thing that ever happened to me. you helped me through everything and I let you go! and now he gets to have you and kiss you whenever he wants and hold you all the time. I'd do anything to have you back in my arms again. I miss you so much y/n and I know you guys are dating but I just needed you to know" he said while crying. "sammy," you started while sighing. "first of all, jack and I aren't dating. we're just talking, and to be completely honest, I miss you too." you whispered, looking into his gorgeous eyes. "really?" he asked while wiping his tears. "yes" you said. "holy shit thank god! will you take me back princess?" he asked while pulling you into a hug. "of course sammy" you said smiling up at him. he leaned down and kissed you softly then pulled away and said, "I love you so much baby girl" "I love you too sammy," you said leaving up to kiss him again. then you heard a cough come from the door, you looked up and it was jack. "jack I'm really sorry it's just-" you got cut off by jack. "nah it's cool, you guys need each other. and I didn't really think we'd work out because we've been best friends for way to long" he said smiling at you two, "but just know that if you ever hurt her I will kill you sam," jack said. "I know, but I love her too much to ever hurt her jack" sam said and kissed your forehead. "haha alright well I'm gonna head over to Johnson's so you two have fun," jack said while winking and closing the door as he left. "I'm so glad to have you back baby" sam said kissing you again, before you both laid down and fell asleep together.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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