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I get up from my bed walking out my door going to Ethan's room I knock a few times I don't get a answer so I open the door to a dark room he isn't here where is he? I shut the door going to grays room I knock on the door he yells a come in from the other side I walk in he is laying on his bed without a shirt on wearing only joggers which happens to be one of my weaknesses boys in joggers turns me on.

I clear my thoughts "I thought I would come hang out with you cause Ethan isn't here" he sits up "Oh wonder where he is" he pats the spot next to him I go over to him sitting down "Why are you up so late" he looks down at his phone showing the time 12:34pm "I can't sleep which is normal but it's weird the only reason I could never sleep is because I was afraid of waking up to my dad ready to do something to me" Grayson shakes his head with a sigh "That's so disgusting how could he do that to his own daughter" Grayson clenches his jaw I shrug "I don't know how could he even get turned on by me none of it makes sense but it is what it is" I huff.

Grayson lays back putting his hands behind his head making his muscles flex "Are you doing that on purpose" he looks at me confused"Doing what?" I put my hand on my forehead "Ugh" I groan "Who is Bria?" I change the subject his body jolts up "Who- who told you about her?" He asks "Ethan said something about her to me before he just said you guys don't get along" I didn't want to say to much so I changed things up a bit "She uh she is a old friend of ours we got into a fight and she moved to Australia" he swallows his spit "So is that who Ethan is with?" I want to see if he knows "No she isn't here she hasn't been back in forever" I leave it alone if he doesn't know she is here obviously Ethan didn't want him to know for a reason which I will find out in the future.

I slowly kiss her neck leaving small marks "Ethan" she moans softly which makes me want to do so many things to her at once. I pull her shirt off her body she undoes her bra letting it fall to the hotel floor "Fuck Bria" I admire her upper body she grabs me pulling me back on top of her "Ethan just do it already" she unbuckles my belt someone is thirsty she pulls her panties off throwing them.

She pulls my pants and boxers off pulling me to my feet she gets down on her knees in front of me she takes my whole length in her mouth I throw my head back as she deep throats me fuck Australians are freaks.

Bria is Australian and rican she has green eyes tan skin and red hair she is skinny with small boobs and a nice size butt she is 5'4

I sit in my bed lonely after a few hours of sitting with gray I decided I should try to get some sleep but it's useless I can't sleep for shit. I sit up running my hand through my hair I get up throwing on a pair of shorts I silently walk down the staircase. I go into the kitchen opening the fridge I hear something fall in the living room "Shit" someone exclaims "Ethan?" I turn on the living room light.

His eyes widen I look at his neck covered with marks "Late night hook up?" He grabs his neck "Yeah about that could you cover it up with makeup tomorrow" I nod turning off the light "Why are you up so late?" He asks I shrug "I couldn't sleep so I came down to get water but I don't even want it now" I walk up the stairs going to my room "Goodnight Ethan" he smiles at me walking to his room I shut the door laying down on my bed I need sleep I open the drawer of the nightstand to see if there was sleeping pills and to my surprise there was so I took it.

I wake up rubbing my eyes I look out the window to see snow all of the ground, winter is actually here. Christmas is in five days I have to get the twins a gift as well as their parents they are being very kind letting me stay here so I want to give them something in return. I get up from bed going to the bathroom, after I finish I go downstairs "Your up finally" Grayson walks over to me grabbing my hand pulling me to the table "Mom Dad, this is Alia" they both turn from the stove smiling to me "Oh it's nice to meet you" their dad pulls me into a hug I hug back for a small second "So you are Ethan's girlfriend?" Their mother smiles to me "Oh uh no not no more we decided to be friends" she softly smiles.

"Well they just started cooking so how about we go and wake Ethan up" he smirks pulling me to Ethan's room. He opens the door then jumps on Ethan "Bro" he groans Grayson laughs pulling his hair "Stop" he puts his face in his pillow "Awe your so cute" Grayson says in a girly voice causing me to laugh, Ethan throws his brother off of him sitting up "What do you want" he rubs his eyes "Mom and dad are cooking come downstairs" he breathes heavily putting his hands on his hips Ethan yawns standing up "You got that makeup?" He asks I stand there confused but then I remember our conversations last night "Yeah I'll go get it" I walk out.

I grab the foundation pallet going back to Ethan's room "What do you need foundation for?" Grayson asks "His neck" he doesn't ask any further questions knowing what I'm talking about. I put some foundation on the thingy you put it on placing it on to Ethan's neck I rub it over the hickeys a few times "You know maybe next time you have a hookup you will tell the girl no marks" he furrows his eyebrows "That's the point of a hookup is to leave marks" Grayson rolls his eyes "Maybe to you but the last time I had a hookup I told her don't leave any marks" Ethan laughs "That's you not me bro".

I put some more foundation on his neck rubbing it in while I'm focused on his neck I feel his tongue being placed on my arm "Ethan what the fuck" I flinch back rubbing my arm "He told me to" Ethan points to gray who happens to be laughing like a freak "What's so funny?!" I cross my arms over my chest "You- jumped back like you were scared" he laughs between his sentence "I don't want his tongue on me I'd rather not be wet" both of their faces go straight Ethan smirks while Grayson raises his brow.

I stand there confused "Say that sentence again" Grayson bites his tongue "I said I don't want his tongue on me I'd rather not be we-" I stop myself jumping on top of them "You guys are so dirty" I lay my whole body on them as they try throwing me off "No you are the dirty one" Ethan exclaims throwing me on the floor "Whatever" I stand up grabbing my stuff walking out I put my stuff away then I go back downstairs.

I walk over to their parents "Do you need any help?" I ask "Yes actually could you start the sausage?" I nod going to the freezer grabbing them "Hey dad when is the next time you have work?" Ethan asks walking down the stairs "Tomorrow" he says "Okay I'm coming with you" he walks over to me "Whatcha making" he leans over my shoulder "Sausage" he nods walking to his mom. So far me living with them isn't bad their parents are so welcoming it's been so long since I've felt welcome any where.

I hate this chapter, I hate it so fucking much ugh it's so damn shitty.

Love Faith

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