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I don't even know what emotion I'm feeling right now, there are so many seeing Alia hurt herself right in front of me hurts I didn't even realize it at first which makes me angry with myself was she that upset that I fought with her dad? Like let's be real she is acting like what her dad is doing is okay I understand that she doesn't want to be pitied but sometimes she needs it. The doctor walks out of the room with Alia.

She keeps her head to the floor. I get up from my seat walking over to them "She is okay. She has some stitches, she needs to come back next week to get them taken out so that would be on Friday the 26th the day after Christmas" the doctor says handing me something to sign I sign it then I hand it back. The doctor tells us we can leave then walks away "Let's go home" I grab her hand but she snatches it from me "Alia I don't have time for your bullshit it's already 6:30pm I need to get home so he can go to work" I says through my gritted teeth she ignores me walking out.

I feel horrible I have tons of stitching in my thigh which is so sore. Grayson is mad at me I completely understand why but he doesn't need to give me attitude. I get in the car throwing the bloody towel in the backseat luckily Sean's seats are black so you can't see the blood stains but Grayson was still trying to be a good son by putting the towel under me. He starts the car pulling out of the hospital going on a Main Street.

I look out the window gazing into the night sky as gray pays attention to the road. The car has a uncomfortable silence; it's making me anxious to be honest. The tension between us is major, he turns down his street pulling into the driveway of the beautiful home. We get out going inside Lisa is sitting in the living room watching tv with Ethan "Hey" I wave to them Ethan sends me a smile and Lisa waves back we walk up the stairs I go to my room as Grayson take his dad the keys.

I grab some sweats an a tee shirt. I pull my shirt off putting the clean one on I hear my door open so I look back, of course it's gray "Just gonna come in while I'm changing?" I pull my jeans off "You don't have anything I haven't seen before" his voice comes out deeper than usual "Right" I pull the sweats up my legs I turn around "Still wondering what the loser gets" he walks over to me "I don't know but is this you trying to move on from what happened?" He shrugs "I don't want to stay stuck on that just move on from it" I nod "Okay" he pulls his hoodie off setting it on my bed his shirt has a few blood stains on them.

I shake my head "I'm sorry" I point to his shirt he looks down at it then back at me "Your fine. Wanna clean my cuts" he makes a fist showing me his cut up knuckles "Yeah" I pull his arm taking him to the bathroom he sits on the toilet as I go through the cabinets grabbing a rag and alcohol. I put some of it on the rag placing it on his hand he winces squeezing his eyes shut "Sorry" I mutter putting more on it I look in his eyes feeling myself get lost "Your eyes are so beautiful" I compliment him he smiles softly the looks down at his hand "I was actually surprised you beat my dads ass I've never seen him lose a fight" I explain "It scared me but when I think back it was actually kinda hot".

He chuckles I put some on his other hand he flinches "Fuck" he groans I mumble a sorry kissing his knuckles I feel bad "You know that's nine" fuck I forgot this bitch fuck fuck I put my hand on my forehead "Better find out what the winner gets" I sigh with a small laugh "Just cause I have nine doesn't mean I'm gonna lose" I say finishing up with his cuts putting the stuff away "No you are for sure gonna lose" he gets up walking away from me.

I can't lose to him I can't give him the satisfaction of winning I just have to stop focusing on him. I walk out going to my room I grab grays hoodie taking it to him "We can go apply for jobs tomorrow until then ask Micah to add money to your card cause Christmas is soon" he says paying attention to his computer "Right. Do you want anything?" He squints his eyes then looks up at me shaking his head "No" I put my hand on my hip "You don't have a wish list? Yuh know like a Christmas list for 'santa'" I use my fingers as quotations but he wasn't paying attention "I'm not five Alia I just simply don't want you to get me a gift what's the big deal" he still doesn't put his focus to me he just gives me attitude.

I look down tapping my foot "Right, okay so I won't be generous to you so don't be generous to me" I remark walking out why does he have to be so rude about it? It's doesn't make sense I just want to be nice him and his family is giving me a home I want to repay them in some way even if it's just a small gift "Wait Alia" he calls I stop in my tracks "What?" I call out I hear foot steps from behind me "I'm just frustrated okay I'm sorry I have a big test coming up an I'm worried about you" he sighs I turn around to see a completely flustered Grayson "Don't be worried about me, I don't want you to I'm fine I'm just depressed so if seeing a therapist is what is best for me then I'll see a therapist" Grayson's face lights up.

"I just want to repay you an your family for being so welcoming especially you're parents they don't even know me but yet they are still so kind which I appreciate so much" I put my hand on my chest "I just want you to be happy Alia I don't want you to be hurt or thinking about your dad anymore cause you are under my roof you are more than safe here" he kindly says I feel a small smile form on my lips "Wether you tell me what you want or not I'm getting you a gift" he chuckles "Do what you want this is a free country" he laughs walking away.

I just want to give people my love even if they are giving it back or not it makes me happy to see other people around me happy.

Yeah kinda cheesy but owhale.

Love Faith

Instagram graysexx

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A walk to remember-G.D.Where stories live. Discover now