Down and across the river

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Down and across the river
Have you ever taken a boat ride down or across the river
If you haven't then let me explain
You get into this boat
It's usually long, skinny and silver
It's cold metal smoothly rips through the top layer of the river
And glads in the gushing stream
Travels across each side for a while
You have to get used to the water sickness that comes with the boat
With the stomach churning filling
The immediate dread when the boat touches the river
But you can't back out then you have to hold on
And stick out the whole ride
Once your used to crossing you start going down stream
At first it's a short journey
Not to deep into the river
Don't want to be harmed
I means it's just a boat ride right,
Well soon you start to go on more journeys
You fall in love with the euphoric feeling you get
The high that is better than any drug
One thing people don't tell you about these trips
Are they coming with a price
Some it's addiction
To the release from reality that boat and river gives them
Usually the trip leaves a small scar
Not big enough to notice
Just a small, thin white line tracing the path you took one day
At least that's how they start looking
Soon though you get the big deep scars
The ones that almost make it look like the river it's self
Deep, long and crimson in color
You begin to long for more trips
Longer and deeper into the river
For more of the salty spray from the river to coat you
Your arms
Your thighs
Your wrist
Your cuts
Soon you realize the river is filled with creatures
Creatures that are so hideous they keep you up at night
But that doesn't keep you at bay from the river
Instead you invite these creatures into you
Into your thoughts
And they soon dwell in every part of your mind
Even in the deepest darkest places
But hey, that's what you get if you go down and across the river

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