Terrorist Attack

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Your eyes slowly opened to see the world around you. You slowly get up and push a piece of the ceiling off of your person. You glance around looking for Weiss. You turned around and saw others underneath the rubble. Going against your better judgment, you decided to help the other civilians out of the rubble. After clearing out a small pile of people, you caught sight of a familiar looking jacket.

(Y/N): Weiss!

You ran over and began to remove the rubble. You kept throwing blocks and concrete everywhere, some tears beginning to fall from your eyes as well.

(Y/N): (To yourself) Come on, come on. Not again! Not you too!

You kept muttering the words, digging through the rubble. Finally, you removed a single piece of rubble and saw Weiss, generating a glyph protecting herself and some people.


Weiss: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hold on!

You began to remove the rubble that was surrounding her and the people. Once the rubble was off and there was an available opening, the people flooded out, everyone supporting another person who was injured. Weiss' glyph broke and she fell to the side. You caught her and had her leaned against you.

(Y/N): You ok? Snowflake? Weiss?!

Weiss: Stop it you dolt! I'm awake! I'm fine!

(Y/N): Ok. Come on, let's get out of here.

You began to guild Weiss out of the building until she placed her hand on your chest and stopped you.

Weiss: There are others here! We need to help them!

(Y/N): My job-

Weiss: Your job is to do as I say. You're a servant of the Schnees.

(Y/N): Yeah, and I'm also an asshole. Weiss, I need to get you out of here. You're hurt. Once you're out in safety I can come back-

Weiss: No. It's MY job as a huntress to save lives. End. Of. Story. Understand?

(Y/N): (Sighs) Damn it. I hate it when you're right! OK. Let's go.

You let Weiss keep leaning against you as you both moved around and got rubble off a few people. After removing the rubble, you guided them outside. Finally, cops and firefighters arrived at the scene and took care of the rest. As you and Weiss were guided over to a few improvised seats set up by first responders. Both you and Weiss were being placed in bandages and other ice packs.

(Y/N): You doing alright?

Weiss: Yeah. I think so. What was that? A bomb?

(Y/N): It was Silver. He was here!

Weiss: Was? You mean is!

Weiss got up and summoned two glyphs over her palms and glared up towards a roof. You looked up with her and saw Silver, standing there, looking down at you. You grew an angry face and the two of you ran towards him. Silver ran off and you two leapt onto walls and up to the rooftops.

As the two of you chased him down, Weiss summoned some ice and threw it towards Silver. He turns around, took out his axe, and cut the ice in half. You leapt over Weiss and brought a punch down towards him. Silver leapt back as your fist connected to the ground. He attempted to strike at you again but you slide away. Silver brought is axe up and you ran up and tackled him. You raised your head and hit him in the chin.

Silver grabbed your wrist, kneed you in the stomach and threw you to the side. Weiss summons glyphs around Silver's wrists and brings him to her. She summoned another glyph that hit Silver's forehead and knocked him to the ground. Before Weiss could attack again, Silver rolled forward and grabbed her and threw her towards you. You slowly got up only to be hit in the face by Weiss' back. You both got up and saw Silver, who kept running along the roof tops.

Weiss: Let's go!

Weiss took off while you grabbed your scroll and dialed Gure.

(Y/N): Come on, Gure! Pick up! Pick up God Damn it!

Yang: (Over scroll) Hello!

(Y/N): Yang?! Where's Gure?!

Yang: He's uh, busy.

(Y/N): He's drunk, isn't he?

Yang: Yeah. So, what is it?

(Y/N): Help! Now! We found Silver! He attacked a nearby building! We're hunting him down now!

Yang: Got it! Moving!

You hang up and kept following Weiss and Silver. Weiss summoned a glyph and leapt from it and flew towards Silver. She generated more glyphs and some ice and flung them towards Silver. Silver spun around and saw the ice. He transformed his axe to the rocket and fired off towards the ice. Using the force from the rocket, Silver flew towards another building. You rolled your eyes and took off after him.

You leapt across a building after him and grabbed a slab of stone from the rooftop and threw it at him. Silver dodged the attack but could not dodge your elbow to his face. You threw an uppercut to his chin and then punched his stomach. As he reeled back for a punch, you caught his fist and twisted his arm behind his back. Silver head butted you and threw you over his person. Silver was about to throw another punch until Weiss' glyph stopped him and rebounded the punch to his head.

You kicked Silver's head and launched him backwards. Silver ran over to a ledge of a building but was cut off by Weiss launching another icicle at him, hitting his head. Silver hand-springed back up and put up a defensive stance against Weiss. Weiss ran forward and summoned a few glyphs and dashed through them, hitting Silver a few times before Silver grabbed her and threw her to the ground.

Silver drew his axe and slammed it towards Weiss. Weiss generated a glyph and deflected it from herself. You ran up to attack Silver, but he blocked the attack and stooped on your foot. You screamed a bit and he grabbed your neck and slammed you onto the ground. He turned back to Weiss and somersaulted towards her. Weiss rolled away from his and you were able to run up behind him and punch the back of his head.

You and Weiss threw Silver to the ledge of the building and knocked him to the ground.

(Y/N): It's over Silver!

Silver: Is it really?

(Y/N): I mean...yeah. I think it kinda is.

Silver smirked and a bullhead emerged from the other side of the ledge. It opens fire against the two of you. Weiss summons a glyph and defends both you and herself from the firing. The bullhead flew down to him and opened up. Inside was Sunny and a few other troopers. Silver gets on the ship and the others take off.

Silver: Sorry, (Y/N). This is where we depart. For now at least.

Bullets hit the side of the bullhead. Everyone turns around and sees Yang and Ruby running to engage the firefight. Sunny turns around and fires rounds from a rifle towards the sisters, each evading the attacks. Silver rolls his eyes in annoyance and fires off a rocket towards the two. Ruby is able to dodge it with Yang barely being able to do the same. Silver waves his hand and the door closes and he takes off. Yang and Ruby come to a stop beside you and Weiss and watch the terrorist take off away from you. Ruby fires a few rounds but ultimately fails to do any real damage. You sigh and punch the ledge, breaking some of it.

Weiss: (Y/N). Calm down!

(Y/N): Calm down? Calm down?! That man just nearly killed you, your team, me! Dozens of others!!! And you want me to calm down?!

Weiss walked up to you and slapped you across the face. You had a stunned look to your face as Weiss grew a frustrated appearance.

Weiss: Calm down! We warded him off for now! We saved lives! Yes, I'm upset but we're still alive. Ok?

(Y/N): (Sighs) Ok. I got it.

Weiss: Good. (To Ruby) Where's Blake and Gure?

Ruby: They're uh...kinda busy.

Weiss: Doing what?

(Y/N): Gure was drunk. Blake stayed with him, I'm assuming.

Yang: Assumed correctly.

(Y/N): (Sighs) Of course he is.  (To yourself) Dumb mother-(Sighs again) Right. Let's go.

With that, the four of you move to return home to Beacon.

Weiss Schnee X Male Reader: King and QueenWhere stories live. Discover now