Happy Birthday (Epilogue Part 2)

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Today was one of the worst days of your life. No, you weren't cut from the job, you were still a huntsman that occasionally worked with the Atlas Military. But it was all the crap of today. Idiots who cant do their jobs, pathetic losers who think they're hot shots. People on the roads were stupid, people around the city were stupid, the Grimm were stupid. You just couldn't stand it anymore. This! This was your reward for life. What a joke. It wasn't like you weren't well off. Hardly. You were just fine. But it was still annoying as hell to deal with.

Lunch today wasn't anything special at all. Just a sandwich with an apple and a few chips for a side. It was also a slow day as well. Just nothing happened, nothing was going to happen as well. This was your reward for being born. Today, was your birthday. Finally, turning 30 while your wife still stood at 28. You had a long day and just wanted everything and one just to shut up and leave you alone. That is what you wanted for your birthday.

Finally, you drove into the driveway of your home. While you were still frustrated, you were still happy to know that Klein was always there to brighten your day. You stepped out of your car and began to walk to your house with Klein by your side.

Klein: Good evening, Mr. (L/N).

(Y/N): Klein. How are you?

Klein: Excellent today sir. And I do regret to inform you, but your wife hast tasked us with an important errand.

(Y/N): Really Klein? Can't you do it?

Klein: Mrs. (L/N) said you wouldn't mind since your servitude to the Schnee family lasts twenty years.

(Y/N): (Groans) Of course. Come on!

You and Klein get back into the car and drive off. You were wondering where you both were going until it ended up at a hardware store.

(Y/N): Wow. Hardware store. Of course she'd send me here!

Klein: I made the request to her. (You give a quizzical look) The rear shed for the gardeners appears to be damaged. I only sought it best to-

(Y/N): Yeah, yeah. Let's just get this over with.

With that, the two of you walked inside. After a bit of searching, getting the store's attention, and everything else you needed to complete the purchase, you were finally carrying several boards out to your car. Klein was next to you carrying paints and other objects in bags. Finally getting everything you needed from around Atlas, you and Klein finally returned back. You were in the passenger seat while Klein was driving. During the drive home, you saw Klein reach back behind your seat and pull out something from the back.

(Y/N): What is it?

Klein: A gift for you, sir.

Klein pulled out a grouping of four cupcakes in a plastic container and handed it to you.

Klein: Happy Birthday, sir.

You just glanced between the cupcakes and Klein before smiling. You began to eat the cupcakes while Klein drove you home. After the drive was over along with your cupcakes, you and Klein finally returned home to the Schnee manner. As you walked around to the trunk you saw Klein do something with his scroll.

(Y/N): Everything ok?

Klein: Mhm? Oh, nothing you need to worry about. The other workers and I can handle this Mr. (L/N). Why don't you go on inside.

(Y/N): Alright. Thanks, Klein. And thanks for remembering.

With that, you decided it best to walk inside the manor. Once inside, you saw nothing but the darkness that was the house. You spun around in confusion until the lights shot on and Weiss and several others jumped out from hiding.

Weiss Schnee X Male Reader: King and QueenWhere stories live. Discover now