The Investigation

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You, Gure, RWBY and JNPR arrived at the scene of the bombing. Rubble was everywhere, scattered blocks, iron, coughed up smoke and ash lined the streets of Vale for at least three blocks. Glass was shattered within the bombing site as well as the surrounding buildings. The theater across the street itself was more than damaged with almost the entire front and right side devastated in the explosion.

When the 10 of you arrived at the scene, you just saw dozens of them. Body bags. You could see at least 27 to 28 of them but you knew there was more. Cops, firefights, medics, several huntsmen working for and not even aligned with the kingdom were at the scene. You and your friends with the exception of Gure just looked on in fear and horror.

Weiss: Who? Or even, why?

Cop: More huntsmen?

(Y/N): Yes, sir. Second Years. Ship in from Beacon.

Cop: Well, welcome to the show. Gonna need the leaders here now.

Ruby: Alright. Jaune, let's go.

(Y/N): I'm coming with you. I was a leader at Atlas. Beside, I have a pretty good idea of who's behind this attack.

The three of you were brought into the main field of the investigation while the rest of your teams investigate the rest of the site. You, Ruby and Jaune kneeled down and looked around the scene. You gathered up some ash, while others looked around to see the devastation. Jaune looks more and more frustrated at seeing little to no evidence. That and seeing the dead bodies everywhere really mad him upset.

Jaune: There's nothing here! Nothing but bodies.

(Y/N): Well, it was a terrorist attack. That's what happens.

Ruby: It doesn't make any sense. We took down the White Fang here in Vale. And-and-I thought Silver was confined to Atlas.

Jaune: Yeah, well, this is the second bombing in a week. Maybe they're connected somehow?

While Jaune and Ruby have their talk, you continued to look around the central blast site. You checked your scroll and saw your aura slowly going down. You knew of an experimental, but shut down Atlas project involving some form of aura draining gas inside the bomb. You checked out the scorch marks along the ground as well. You continued to look around the room and see just how far the marks went. Based on that, you grew pretty concern over the bomb type.

You took out your scroll again and took a few pictures. While you were, you got a text from Weiss who was investigating the theater.

Weiss: Explosion residue here too. Multiple bombs. The entire block was the target.

(Y/N): Scorch marks indicate big blast. Plus aura draining gas.

Weiss: Special units had access to that project. But it was shut down 2 years ago.

(Y/N): Two years too late. Get Gure. We got the guy already.

Weiss: Silver?

(Y/N): Silver.

Jaune: (Y/N)? You find anything at all?

(Y/N): No. Nothing of note.

Ruby: Then I guess we better go?

(Y/N): Yeah.

The three of you walk out of the main building the original bomb went off. Before you could walk over to Weiss and get started on the hunt, the cop from before walked up to you and stoped you from moving.

Cop: You said you had a pretty good idea of who was behind it. Who was it?

(Y/N): Original idea is scrubbed. Bomb was way to big to be who I thought it was. Must be someone inside Vale, not outside.

The policeman nodded in conformation and walked off. You walked towards the theater and Ruby eventually caught up with you.

Ruby: You thought it was Silver originally right?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Ruby: It still is, isn't it?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Ruby: So, why not tell them?

(Y/N): I'm not risking anymore lives. Besides, Weiss, Gure and I know Atlas tech.

With that, you left Ruby standing there and returned to Weiss and Gure. Once the three of you got together, you all knew what the plan was. With that, you three returned to Beacon quickly and were able to use one of Professor Peach's labs for work. Using images, footage and other pieces of evidence, you all knew what was left to conclude.

Gure: So...Silver got his hands on a new type of Atlas explosive? Geez, why am I not surprise.

(Y/N): Hey. Can you, like, not be a sarcastic for once?

Gure: No.

Weiss: Focus you idiots! We have a job to do!

Gure: Gotcha, Princess!

(Y/N): First of all, only I call her that! Secondly, she's right. We know Silver is behind this. We know he found and used a Carbon Bomb. We just need to know where is he now and what's his motives?

Gure: Motives are obvious. He hates the Schnees. One is here under little protection. He's luring us out, day by day. Not caring who he kills in the process. He wants to be found. He wants you two after him.

Weiss: Why (Y/N) though? Me I understand. I'm a Schnee and he's tried to kill me before.

(Y/N): I'm an obstacle. Same reason why he lead me on that goose chase back in Atlas. He wants me dead too.

Gure: Not me apparently. Man, feels good not wanting to be killed despite the fact that-it's because I'm a pathological liar and a drunk, isn't it?

(Y/N): Yep.

Gure: It feels nice not being included.

Weiss: Can we please. We need a plan and fast.

(Y/N): Well, they have air travel. Plus, they have to be somewhere large enough not to be noticed by police force. And since Ironwood's troops haven't left Vale yet, more armored security.

Gure: The mountains. That's their best bet.

Weiss: There's the underground city as well. White Fang used it before we took them down as a staging area.

(Y/N): We don't know for sure though.

Gure: So what? We wait for another bombing?

(Y/N): No!

Weiss: We lay a trap. He wants me either dead or as bait to kill my family, huntsmen, Atlas military, anyone who he thinks will come after me. It's risky...but a good idea.

(Y/N): Alright. We'll wait a few days. Then strike. There has to be a pattern somewhere. Ok?

Weiss nods in agreement.

(Y/N): Gure?

Gure: Alright. But I wont like it. At all.

(Y/N): Got it.

Later in the night when everything seemed at ease, you found Weiss in the courtyard of Beacon, staring out to Vale. Without saying a word, you walked up to her and took her hands in yours. You pulled her closer to you and softly pulled your hand through her ling platinum hair.

(Y/N): You ok?

Weiss: Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

(Y/N): Weiss?

Weiss: A little nervous. Not about being kidnapped again. But I have to agree with Gure. I don't want to risk anyone else. Even you.

(Y/N): Hey, Snowflake. We'll manage. We always do. 

Weiss Schnee X Male Reader: King and QueenWhere stories live. Discover now