I Do (Epilogue Part 1)

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Needless to say, the Silver Adwin hunt was officially over a week following his death. Authorities found his body at the base of the mountain, bloody and broken, clearly no way for him to stay alive. His sister on the other hand was a far different story. She went completely off grid. No one has ever seen her since the initial battle at Silver's. Regardless, her whereabouts are so unknown that basically everyone had given up trying to find her again.

But that currently, didn't matter to much you at all. After that, you, Gure and RWBY continued your training in Beacon. Sure, things got a little crazy with other robbers and criminals and gang wars throughout the city. Despite all that, you and Weiss stuck together for years. Eventually, after graduation was when you truly grew up, Jacques Schnee grew deathly sick due to the poison injection he had received years ago.

It was honestly really sad to see him go. Sure, he hated you and never approved of your relationship with Weiss. But that never stopped either of you. Unfortunately, Jacques died to his illness around a year after you both had graduated and you had preposed to Weiss. Of course she said yes and her entire family began to plan for it. And all the planning, all the trails and tribulations, you were all ready for the day.

You stepped out of your car in the suit both you and Weiss had picked out. After walking into the cathedral, you saw your chosen groomsmen all ready for the day. Jaune, Ren, Gure, and a few others from your childhood. There were smiles all around as you walked in. However, as soon as you reached a table, you took a deep breath and began to internally freak out.

Gure: (Y/N). You're fine. Don't you worry about it.

(Y/N): I know. I know. (Takes deep breath) Ok, ok, I'm good. I think.

Jaune: (Y/N). Stop being me on my wedding day.

(Y/N): Says you! You nearly threw up. Twice.

Jaune: Well, yeah. When you say it like that.

Gure: Well regardless of what you want, she's here, and you got to deal with it.

(Y/N): Right. Ok. I got this.

Gure: Yeah you do!

From behind you guys, you heard heels clinking with the ground. Gure turned around and smiled before walking up to the source, Blake.

Gure: Hey, Babe.

Blake: We're not dating.

Gure: Says you. You asked me here.

(Y/N): Can you two please-What is it Blake?

Weiss: She just wanted to make sure you were here. Weiss is...overly anxious.

Gure: Damn. Just like this loser here.

(Y/N): I seriously want to kill you.

Gure: You're fault I'm the best man.

Ren: (Y/N). It's time.

You sighed and took another deep breath. You cracked your knuckles and walked to the door.

(Y/N): Showtime.

With that, you walked down the isle to the alter. You took a few glances around at the crowd and saw friends and family members. Once you got to the alter you saw Weiss' brother, Whitely, sitting in the crowd giving you a scowl. You smirked and winked at him, breaking his glare while you laughed to yourself.

After a few minutes, the organs began and you began to sweat. Sure it wasn't that big of a deal other than your wedding and you marrying THE Weiss Schnee. Sure, whatever. Everyone began to walk down the isle in pairs as well. Ruby, Pyrrha, Nora, Blake, Yang, Winter, all paired with three of your older friends and Gure, Ren and Jaune. Finally, Weiss, guided by her mother, walked down to the alter to met you.

Gure placed a hand on your shoulder in order to calm you down. You nodded, confirming you were well. Finally, she stepped before you, you could see the smile on her face.

Wedding Man: Today, we are here to honor (Y/N) (L/N) and Weiss Schnee. A couple who have proven themselves, determined, loyal, trail and comradely in the most difficult of situations. Let their bond, be a show of unity for all. Do you, Weiss Schnee, vow to love and support (Y/N)? To show your love for him whenever possible?

Weiss: I do.

Wedding Man: And (Y/N). Do you vow to protect Weiss in the most dire of circumstances along with any potential offspring you two have with one another?

(Y/N): I do.

Wedding Man: I pronounce you, man and wife, you may kiss the bride.

You slowly caresses Weiss' cheek.

Weiss: Yeah, no.

(Y/N): Wait. What?

Weiss grabs your collar of your tux and pulls you down for a kiss. You immediately melt into the kiss and wrap your arms around Weiss. You two break the kiss only after the need for air is to high.

(Y/N): That's my girl.

The two walk down the isle followed by the precession.

A few hours later, everyone is at an outside pavilion, tables are everywhere as well as food. A few children are running around and playing. You were sitting next to Weiss, holding onto her hand as you both talked with Winter, Willow, Gure and Ruby.

Winter: Well...that is certainly a story.

(Y/N): Yep.

Willow: Well, then, (Y/N). I guess I must be the one to say, welcome to the family.

(Y/N): Thank you, Willow. So...shall we?

Weiss: We shall.

With that, Weiss took your hand and guided you out towards the dance floor. That this point, you were happy that the cake was cut so you didn't need to waste time on all that ceremonious crap. You and Weiss quickly took to the floor, held each other's hands and began to dance. Whenever the music would speed up, you two had a jazz/ragtime routine ready. Whenever it would slow down, you two slowly swayed to the music, never breaking eye contact.

It was like the night you two first danced, all the way back in Beacon. Sure you two hated one another back then, always wanting to kill the other or at the very least get far away from each other. But now, you couldn't be happier. As the night kept going, you both would stop for a bit, talk, eat and other things and then resume dancing. Just the act alone seemed to slow down time and joy exceeded.

During the dance, you assumed some of the technicians were paid off by RWBY since the same purple tint shined down on you and Weiss alone and the same song played, the same you had your first kiss with her. You and Weiss glanced at one another and smiled.

Weiss: This. This is perfect.

(Y/N): You're telling me.

You and Weiss blushed heavily and leaned in towards on one another. The two of you locked lips with one another in passion. The kiss was a long one, but it was none the less passionate. Finally, the two of you leaned back and broke the kiss, still staring lovingly into the other's eyes, smiles on your faces.

(Y/N): I love you.

Weiss: I love you too. 

Weiss Schnee X Male Reader: King and QueenWhere stories live. Discover now