One Last Stab

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You and Weiss had Silver pinned exactly where you wanted him to be. Both You and Weiss had sword drawn and aimed directly for Silver. Due to the circumstances and lack of concentration for the summon Weiss had, the knight disappeared and Silver drew his axe to face you both. You and Weiss glanced at one another and nodded before charging forward against Silver. Silver also charged forward and lunged at the two of you.

You raised your sword and blocked the attack. The two of you had pinned one another until Weiss thrashed her blade forward and knocked Silver back. He slide along the ground and Weiss charged at him with the intent to stab him. Silver swung his axe and deflected the hit. Weiss came back in for another attack. Weiss and Silver clash against one another once again. The two of them continue to slash at one another. Silver glanced back and saw you running up towards him.

Silver shoved Weiss off of him and flipped his axe around. He swung and hit Weiss' head with the handle of the axe and knocked her to the ground. Silver spun around and clashed with your own blade. He shoved you off of him and began his attack. Silver swung left and right, flipping forward and sideward, your blades still exchanging blows. During such a clash, you raised your elbow and slammed it into Silver's face. You kept whacking Silver with his elbow and stomped onto his foot.

As you go into another elbow strike, Silver evaded and was able to grab you and twist your arm. Silver picked you up and slammed your back onto his knee and threw you into the banister of the catwalk. He ran up to you and slammed you into the banister again and through the glass of the walk way before throwing you back over to Weiss. Both you and Weiss got up slowly, straying off the hit. As you both sat up, you saw Silver lunge towards you both. You anticipated to get hit but Weiss summoned a glyph and blocked the attack.

She summoned another one underneath you. You seemed to have an aura charge and lunged forward and launched Silver onto the other side of the walkway. Both you and Weiss got up and got ready to attack Silver again. Silver launched another rocket towards you and Weiss, but she summoned a glyph and protected you both. Weiss then stabbed her rapier onto the ground and launched a massive chain of ice towards Silver. Silver fired another rocket and destroyed the chain. You lunged in and attempted to stab him. Silver leapt back to avoid your sword as the two of you began to exchange blows.

Silver used the curve of his axe and pulled your blade up and pinned you. He got onto your back and pulled you onto the ice. Silver punched you and flipped off of the ice before kicking you and the ice and landing. Weiss summoned three glyphs and launched projectiles towards him. Silver rolled forward and threw his axe towards Weiss which she easily deflected with her sword. Silver disregarded the axe and ran forward and threw a few punches at Weiss. Weiss was able to block a few punches and threw her own against Silver, hitting his face.

As Weiss threw another punch, Silver grabbed her wrist and threw her against the banister of the walkway. Silver grabbed her again and threw her onto her chain of ice and began to choke Weiss. A small smile appearing on his face.

Silver: For your crimes!

Before Silver could fully choke out Weiss, you ran up, tackled him and the two of you began to exchange fists and punches. The two of you threw crosses, uppercuts, hooks until Silver was able to get the better of you and get you into a head lock. He throws both himself and you onto the ground. Silver begins to choke you while punching the side of your head.

Silver: You always thought you were the best! You had it made! Who has it made now, (Y/N)?! WHO?!

You elbow Silver's stomach and broke free of the hold. You grabbed him and threw him across the catwalk once again. You glanced at Weiss who got up and gripped her rapier.

Weiss Schnee X Male Reader: King and QueenWhere stories live. Discover now