If you don't know, Caitlin van den Bogaerde is Jasmine's (Birdy) little sister.
I hate them. I hate them so much! Why am I Jasmine's sister? It's not her fault but.... Because of her I'm bullied at school. People are saying I can't be part of this great family. That my sister, so much beter is than I am. They say I'm bad for Birdy, they're sure she hates me...
Like every night, I'm crying in my bed. Why am I born is this amazing family? Yes, I'm jealous. Of course I am. Everyone has got a talent: my mother the concertpianist, my father the writer, my brother with the band native roses, and Birdy... Jasmine. I love my big sister so much. she's so kind with me. But vecause of her I'm bullied. I never talk about it. My friends think it's not serious. And I cry.
It's midnight. The door of my room opens and my mother comes in:
_ Hey little miff! Are you ok?
_ Hey mum, yes I am, why do you ask this?
_ I don't konw, I thought I heard someone crying.
_ Oh it's not me! Are you sure you heard that? I need to sleep now, goodnight!
_ Yes sweetheart, see you tomorrow!
_ Bye mum.
She closes the door in silence and walks away. I'm lucky she didn't saw me cry. I'm very tired, and a few seconds later I'm sleeping. But the nightmares are not far and I know it....