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ALICE HAD NEVER EXPERIENCED A GREAT DOSE OF STRESS, but she certainly experienced that now. Yesterday, when she and Lilian went shopping, it had all gone completely wrong. Lilian hadn't chosen the dress she wore in Alice's vision. She hadn't even chosen a bright red dress. Instead, the blonde had chosen a maroon red gown and lace sleeves. It did look great on her, surely. Better even, but Alice panicked for the consequences, for what if it went completely wrong? What if the night didn't went as predicted? She had to sit down for a while. Her head began to ache from the stress that went through her small frame.

"Look! There are the first guests," Collin jumped from his seat, pointing at the as Mike Newton's and Jessica Stanley's cars pulled up the driveway.

The entire herd of people came in, thanking everyone with fake smiles for welcoming them. At least, most of them. Angela Weber, Tyler and a few other people from whom Lilian didn't even bother to know their names, didn't.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" Angela asked Lilian softly, before dragging her towards the stairs, "Come on, it's your own party."

"It's Collin's party," Lilian scowled, "I never even wanted this party. Too many people." Angela chuckled.

"Only Lilian Harper would say that, now come on. We need to get you dressed before Lauren gets an idea... she's going for your guy tonight," Angela said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Lilian laughed, as they entered her room. Angela looked her eyes out, drooling somewhere.

"This is an awesome room! And, I was talking about Jasper, of course. You guys are obviously into each other." She squealed, but Lilian made a gesture with her hands, and Angela shut up immediately.

"Just go back downstairs, alright? I'll be there in an hour or so," Lilian mumbled, trying to hide her blush. Angela hummed but nevertheless got out to leave Lilian on her own. The blonde sighed and looked at her reflection in the mirror. There was a lot of work to do.

"Party time," She stated.

When the Cullens entered the house, no one really noticed, for most of the teenagers were engaged in conversations with themselves. As Alice practically jumped into Collin's arms, squealing of excitement, the entire house knew, that the Cullens had arrived.

"Hello," A middle-aged man spoke up, his blue eyes reminding Jasper of Lilian's, "I'm Johnathan Harper, but call me John." The man extended his hand to Carlisle, as he too, didn't show a sign of discomfort nor awe.

"I am Carlisle, this is my wife Esme and our adopted sons, Emmet Cullen Jasper Hale," Carlisle kindly replied, whilst Johnathan shook hands with Esme, Emmet and Jasper. The conversation came abruptly to an end, when a dark-haired woman with a slightly tanned skin and brown eyes approached them, the manifestation of her face obviously unpleased.

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