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LILIAN FELT TENSED WHEN SHE ENTERED THE SCHOOL BUILDING AGAIN, AFTER TWO LOVELY MONTHS OF ABSENCE, SHE HAD TO COME HERE AGAIN. This year would be torture to the highest rank, for the events of the summer weren't exactly perfect.

When she and Jasper had arrived at the Pet Shop in Port Angeles, for example. There had been an unfortunate surprise. Lauren Mallory. She appeared to work at the shop and was appointed to help Lilian finding fitting accessories for Hunter and Daisy. Instead of doing her job, Lauren had only flirted with Jasper. Never in her life, was Lilian Harper that annoyed with the queen-bee. She'd just bought dog food, but she had ordered all her other stuff online.

Lilian went to pick up her new schedule. This was it. Her final year. She wouldn't screw it up. Within three more months, her parents would be home and Lilian could start looking for colleges. Or, setting out her road-trip through Europe.

"How was your summer, Ms. Harper?" Mrs. Cope asked, as she sought through her files, to get Lilian's schedule.

"It was alright." Lilian mumbled. Mrs. Cope handed her her schedule and smiled at her.

"Here you go. Have a nice day, Lily." She said.

"Thanks, Mrs. Cope." Lilian said, the corners of her mouth tucked into a little smile. Lilian walked towards her locker, looking at her schedule.

It wasn't that bad. Busy, but not bad. Lilian took out her books out of her locker and walked towards her first class, English. She didn't know where Collin exactly was, but she did know his companions. The Cullen family. They weren't that bad. Lilian just didn't trust them.

Entering the classroom, Lilian was surprised, it appeared that she was late. Only two seats were left. A seat next to Jasper Hale, or Tyler Crowley.

"Miss Harper, glad you decided to join us." Mr. Bertie said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, sir. Had to let the dog out." Lilian muttered, all the eyes in the class on her. Mr. Bertie hummed and nodded.

"Fine, take a seat..." He said, looking into the class, "Maybe next to Mister Crowley? That certainly would help his grades, I assume."

Lilian sighed, but did as she was told. With reluctance, Lilian sat down and took her books. God, help me get through these hours for the rest of the year, she thought.

"So, Lily... can I call you Lily?" Tyler started flirtatiously. Lilian simply ignored him and listened to the facts that Mr. Bertie was saying.

"Lily, could you please listen to me?" Tyler begged halfway during class. Lilian glared at him, sending unpleasant shivers down Tyler's spine.

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