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'CLAP ALONG IF YOU FEEL A ROOM WITHOUT A ROOF,' Pharrell Williams' voice sang from Lilian's alarm clock. The blonde was up within a second. She slept in!

Lilian rushed towards her closet, taking out a sweater and a pair of jeans. She ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The water was cold, but Lilian barely felt it, for she literally took a shower for ten seconds, only cleaning the critical parts.

Lilian put on her clothes and combed her hair quickly, then pulling it in a high ponytail she then put on her Adidas' sneakers while running back to her room. Lilian took her backpack and threw her toiletries bag, her pencil case, her laptop, her hairbrush and the book she was currently reading – still Mysteriously Gone – inside. Lilian grabbed her headset and her smartphone from her nightstand and raced down the stairs at a dangerous speed. She quickly made a sandwich for breakfast, took her keys from the drawer in the kitchen, and closed the door behind her once she was outside.

"I guessed you were late," Jasper Hale spoke up, standing in front of Lilian with a black Mercedes sedan, "Collin already left, so I figured I'd take a car."

Lilian shot him a sarcastic look, "Sure, like you hadn't planned that out," She commented, smirking somewhere. Lilian hadn't exactly looked forward to this ride. She preferred to drive herself, that for sure, and she resented the attention their appearance would cause already.

Jasper chuckled innocently, "So perceptive," He mumbled as he pulled her in an embrace, burying his head into her shoulder. Lilian tried not to notice the conspicuous way he hugged her, but her subconscious couldn't let it go. She nevertheless tried to let it go and enjoy Jasper's cold, but somewhere warm, embrace. She took in his smell and hugged his lean frame, whilst she could feel his muscles move and some were even tensed. It didn't take any effort to hug her, now would it?

"We should go..." Lilian mumbled, as if she awoke from a long daydream, realizing they still had to attend to school.

"Indeed, we should..." Jasper replied softly, releasing her from his embrace and walking back to his car. Lilian now decided to admire the black Mercedes, which looked incredibly expensive.

"How many cars does your family actually own?" Lilian ended up asking.

"A few... Rosalie has a red BMW, Emmet has the Jeep, Edward has his Volvo, and this is Carlisle's car. We have two others, though, but we don't use them frequently," Jasper said casually, and Lilian raised her eyebrows at him.

"Your so-called twin-sister owns a BMW and lifts with Edward's Volvo?" She exclaimed as Jasper started the engine, "Where in my head doesn't that make any sense?"

"We try to keep our heads down, alright?" Jasper grumbled. Lilian simply snorted at that, huffing a small: Like that worked, Cowboy Angel.

"Cowboy Angel? Where in my head doesn't that make any sense?" Jasper shot back, mimicking Lilian's voice as he used her own words against her, "By the way, you still need to explain to me how you come thinking that Rosalie isn't my twin."

[1] gratefully invisible ~ jasper haleWhere stories live. Discover now