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"SO, YOU ARE BASICALLY AN IMMORTAL PREDETOR IN THE BODY OF AN INCREDIBLE LOOKING MAN, WHICH YOU CAN SUMMARIZE TO ONE WORD: VAMPIRE?"Lilian concluded airily, still considering Jasper's story, whether or not she should be believing it or not. 'Dammit, didn't you throw believing in the logical overboard when you decided that these guys were immortal?' a tiny voice in the back of her head screamed, making Lilian nod her head mentally and give in.

"That's the glorified version of it," Jasper shrugged, "In reality, I'm just a monster that's made attractive to its prey."

Lilian's look became stern, "Don't say that," she stated, "don't you dare to drown yourself in self-pity because you have to kill animals in order not to kill humans, Jasper Whitlock-Hale!"

The blonde vampire – sheesh, Lilian had to get used to that word – looked up surprised. "Why are you saying my original surname with my current surname? How do you even know it?"

Lilian smirked, "Come on, I want to show you something." The human girl took his cold hand and dragged him with her, whistling between her teeth as an order to get her dog to follow them.

Hunter skipped in the direction of the house, knowing exactly where to go. Lilian let go of Jasper's hand and began to just walk at his side.

"So..." Lilian started amused, "how fast are you really? You told me you guys could run fast and are incredibly strong."

Jasper chuckled under his breath, his lips tugging up in a small smile, "Let's just say that I'd already be at your house by now."

"Considering that you drink animal blood, does that mean you want to kill Hunter and Daisy? 'Cause if they make you uncomfortable, I'll make sure they won't be near you guys," Lilian offered, answering Jasper's smile with one of her own.

"Drinking animal blood doesn't make me necessarily immune for human blood," he started, "That's why I look so much in pain when I'm at school, I am. But in a different way, it pains me to restrain myself from attacking humans and drain them dry."

Lilian then stopped her tracks, her eyes wide. Jasper looked at her questioningly, his golden eyes betraying that he was worried.

"That man," Lilian started, "that man I saw in the woods... was he a vampire too?" Jasper nodded, approaching her slowly, only to put an arm around her as he comforted her.

"Yes, I believe he was. But don't worry, as long as I'm around you... I promise no one will hurt you. They wouldn't dare," the last part came out as a growl. Lilian cocked her head at him, confused.

"But you said that it pains you to be around humans. Why'd you even talk to me if my presence alone makes you want to rip me apart?" Jasper chuckled in response, glancing over at her slightly.

[1] gratefully invisible ~ jasper haleWhere stories live. Discover now