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THE AUDI R8 RACED UP THE PARKING LOT OF FORKS' HIGH SCHOOL, CONTAINING BOTH OF THE HARPER-TWINS AND A FROZEN BELLA SWAN. The latter was practically glued to her seatbelt, as she wasn't used to Lilian's speed and had screamed in horror and fear the entire ride.

"Well, I'm absolutely sure that beep in my ear will last the entire day," Collin said, putting his pinky in his ear, rotating it. His twin merely sent him a glare and passed away towards the school building, ignoring both Jasper and Alice, whom were approaching.

"Where's Edward?" Collin joked, seeing how the Junior behind him told her issues with the guy. Bella's face went bright red and she quickly walked towards the school as well, not answering any looks that Collin was giving her.

"Why is Lilian that grumpy? It's pretty unusual for her nowadays," Alice asked, receiving a shrug from Collin, who looked at Jasper. The blonde vampire held his hands up in surrender and shook his head as well.

"I really don't know. Yesterday, she refused to talk to me, and was constantly reading her book, like it was some piece of art she had to observe carefully," said Collin as a matter of explanation.

"And what is this book about? Maybe it's interesting," Alice inquired curiously.

Collin shrugged, draping his arm around his girlfriend's waist in the process, "Don't know, something about disappearances from the 19thcentury till now. Wasn't listening when she explained, it sounded boring."

Meanwhile, the eyes of the vampires widened, "seriously, she has a book like that?" Jasper groaned.

"It's Lilian Harper, of course she does. What's the matter?" the human boy said confused.

"She knows, stupid. She discovered our secret and is angry at us for not saying anything. I'm going to text Emmet. He has Poetry with her now," Alice said, taking out her phone and she started texting rapidly, leaving for the school when the bell rang.

"See you with lunch then," Alice said, kissing Collin's cheek softly.

Lilian had frankly ignored all of the Cullens for the entire day, nor had she talked to any other person either. She was in classes, for Jasper had seen her, but after, she disappeared each time before he got to her.

"Seriously, her perks of having no scent are starting to bother me," Emmet growled annoyed, as his eyes tried to discover Lilian Harper's blond locks through the crowd.

"No scent, eh?" A voice spoke up from behind the Cullens, whom were outside, throwing snowballs at each other, "Enlighten me, please, Mr. McCarty."

Jasper's eyes widened as both brothers turned around in shock, facing a hooded blonde, up in the tree. Lilian Harper smirked smugly at the two vampires, who looked both shocked and conflicted.

"You obviously should learn to talk softer about touchy subjects, Emmet," Lilian said, as she stood up from het seated position and mentioned both boys to step aside, "Out of my way, grandpa's."

Jasper felt as if his entire world went into slow-motion, as he realized what his girlfriend was about to do, "Lilian don't –"

The blonde jumped from the tree and made a summersault in mid-air, landing perfectly on her feet. Onlookers who saw her action started to cheer loudly and Mike Newton threw a snowball her way, as if inviting her to participate in his fight. Lilian, however, didn't see the snow coming, as it landed right on her chest, "Newton, later! Sheesh, now I'm all soaked," Lilian cussed under her breath.

"Can you please warn me beforehand when you're planning on doing something like that?" Jasper scolded, his golden eyes filled with worry.

"Relax, I knew what I was doing," Lilian shook some snow from her chest, looking at Jasper, scrutinizing his appearance, "Now, are you going to tell me your story, Major? Or should I interrogate my darling brother?"

"Tell you what?" Jasper shot back, acting dumb. He knew that it didn't matter anymore, that she'd already found out all about them – except for what they actually were, maybe. She didn't have that disgusted look in her eyes, yet. Neither did she look scared of uncomfortable around them... just disappointed, as he could make up from her emotions.

"Don't play dumb with me, Jazz. I'm probably one of the smartest people in this town, so shut up and just answer my fucking question," Lilian hissed, narrowing her eyes at him. A shiver went down Jasper's spine, and he gulped.

"After school, alright? The clearing from Christmas," he stated, "I'll explain everything, I swear." The vampire put his cold hands on his girlfriend's warm shoulders, drawing imaginary circles around it with each thumb. Lilian sighed, slightly annoyed with his ability to calm her down every time she felt upset. Then she pulled him close, embracing him in a hug, expressing all of her confused emotions into it, but Jasper felt them by only being near her. Anxiety radiated from her body, not for herself, but forhim.

The cold atmosphere of the woods made Lilian create damping clouds of warm breath as she exhaled, the blonde had her eyes closed at the peace around her. There was a reason she loved this place, the peace, the calmness that the chirping birds and the green flora that smelled fresh after the usual rain of Forks.

Hunter's head laid on Lilian's feet, and the dog began to slowly fall asleep. The soft movements of her dog's breathing caused Lilian's head to feel heavy as well. Her brain was about to empty it from thoughts and drift off into a slumber-modus, when Hunter's head snapped up and branches cracked. Lilian shook awake and blinked a few times by the sight of Jasper Hale emerging from the forest.

"Were we falling asleep, darlin'?" Jasper asked, his accent making Lilian's heart flutter a little. Lilian bit her bottom lip and shook her head, denying the fact that was way too obvious.

"No, you're late and I was relaxing in the forest," Lilian stated carelessly, but then her gaze turned sharply on Jasper, "are you going to tell me what exactly you are? I figured out that you're immortal, thank you very much. My question is how?"

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