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"W-WHAT?" LILIAN MERELY STUTTERED OUT.She had that awkward feeling that a blush covered her cheeks and didn't dare to look Jasper in the eyes. He scared the hell out of her by sneaking up to her like that, but she was incredibly embarrassed with the fact that he'd heard her talk to her dog.

Jasper chuckled and cocked his head to the left, "don't be ashamed of your feelings, darlin'. Believe me, your emotions are a whole lot better than Rosalie's and Emmet's when they're... you know."

Lilian just fiddled with the hem of the sweater she was wearing and nibbled on her bottom lip, "you actually weren't supposed to hear that..." she mumbled again, still not looking at Jasper, who slowly inched closer to her.

"Vampire, dear," Jasper grinned, "I hear a lot of things I'm not supposed to hear," he was now close enough to reach for her chin, and so he did. He lifted her chin, so she was finally looking him in the eyes, "and hearing you say those words... I'm sure that it was the most amazing moment in my entire life. And believe me, Lil; I'm old."

"I love you, Jazz," Lilian repeated her earlier words, but now in his face. Her heart exploded into fireworks by the adoring look in Jasper's eyes, and her stomach erupted into butterflies when he smiled at her.

"And I love you," he mumbled against her lips. It was that moment that Lilian realized how close his lips were from hers. In one swift movement, she put her arms around his neck and connected their lips carefully. She kissed his cold, fresh lips once and had just pulled away, when a low growl seemed to come from Jasper's lips.

The blonde vampire moved faster than Lilian thought had been possible, and within a second, her legs were wrapped around Jasper's waist as he pushed her up against the wall, kissing up her neck. Lilian was taken by surprise by this sudden act of need and caved with the feelings of love, adoration and lust that Jasper seemed to be projecting.

"Jazz," Lilian's lips moaned in a whisper, making him look up at her. Lilian didn't waste a second and kissed his lips with a fury passion. Their lips melted with each other as Jasper released Lilian's hips, his hands holding her as close as possible.

Lilian felt how Jasper pushed his body against hers, and took a step back by intuition, stumbling over the edge of her bed... falling down on it.

Collin saw his girlfriend smirk uncontrollably as he and Emmet were gaming at the Cullens' house. His curiosity got the best of him, so he decided to ask Alice what got her in such a great mood.

"Before you even ask," Alice said airily, "it appears that Lilian took the entire vampire-case quite well."

That silenced the entire house. Within seconds, Rosalie was next to Alice, looking at her pleadingly, "What did she say?" The blonde asked eagerly.

Alice shrugged a little, "Well, it all went perfectly perfect, until Jasper decided to tell her that he could alter emotions..." she said.

"Ha! I knew it, pay up twenty, pal," Emmet said, as he waved his large hand at Collin.

Collin groaned, taking a twenty dollar bill out of the pocket of his pants, but Alice's hand stopped him, "You haven't lost the bet," the seer stated, "actually, they're making it up right now. I've stopped watching them, though. They deserve someprivacy."

"What?!" Collin yelled, as he got up right away, "He might be her boyfriend, but there's no way—"

"Chill, Collin," Alice rolled her eyes, "there's none of that. And besides, a small make-out isn't forbidden for them, now is it?"

"Yeah, who are you to blame her Collin? You're doing the deed with a vampire as well. Don't be a hypocrite," Emmet joked, earning a scowl from Collin.

Jasper kissed her like she was oxygen and he a drowning man. The excitement that radiated from Lilian was intoxicating. She was seated upon his lap as he held her close, and Jasper didn't know where this would end, but he was fine with literally everything, as long as it was with her.

His cold hands travailed to the hem of her sweater and found their way underneath. The blonde girl giggled at the icy touch and disconnected their lips, looking down on Jasper as her hands cupped his face.

"Don't you dare to take off that—" Lilian started jokingly, but her sentence was interrupted by Jasper's speed that took the sweater over her head quickly, leaving the human girl in nothing but her bra.

"—sweater," Lilian finished in a growl, her cheeks flushed as she didn't meet Jasper's gaze. A slight purr of approval erupted from Jasper's chest as his eyes beamed at Lilian's body. He hadn't paid much attention to it before, but all he wanted to do now was devour her lips as his hands explored that eternity of pale skin...

His gaze met Lilian's and Jasper noticed that her cheeks were bright pink from embarrassment and somewhere anger. Her hands had left his jaws and now rested on his sweater-covered chest.

"Nothing else leaves anyone's body today," Lilian reassured Jasper who replied with a mere nod, before doing exactly what he wanted to do when he tore off Lilian's sweater: preparing himself to kiss her until he saw stars.

"I love you..." he breathed on her lips, before wrapping his arms around her waist.

Lilian rested her forehead against his, the tips of their noses touching, "The feeling's mutual, cowboy."

Jasper gave her a boyish grin, before moving his head to the nape of her neck, kissing it lightly. He moved up to her jaw slowly, leaving featherily light kisses along the way. Upon his actions, he heard Lilian giving a soft moan that made his kisses somewhat more rushed, eager to reach her mouth.

Once his lips came close to her chin, Lilian gave him an annoyed grumble and cupped his face with her hands once more, kissing him like there was no tomorrow...



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