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LILIAN FELT THE BRUSH OF WIND THAT WENT PAST HER AND KNEW THAT JASPER WAS THERE. The blonde put down her newest book, Paper Townsfrom John Green, down and looked up at her boyfriend.

"I heard Emmett scared you with a small explanation of mates," Jasper joked, as he walked over to her, sitting down on Lilian's bed.

"Yes, I now I want a serious one," Lilian snapped, her eyes not leaving Jasper's as he moved to sit next to her.

"A mating bond is something between vampires – or between one vampire and another creature – that surpasses any kind of romantic relationship," he started, "for a vampire, a mating bond lasts forever. It's actually the intensified version of a vampire in love, as a vampire falls in love only once and that love lasts for eternity as well.

"Mates, however, are not only in love, but each other's comrades, understanding and supporting one another without hesitation. It's something unique, yet common. Almost every vampire couple is mated, and when a male vampire finds his mate, he just knows. It's said that, when the eyes of mates connect for the first time, when they're both vampire, something will clickbetween them. The earth is supposed to make complete sense and their entire reason of existence is explained to them with that one look," Jasper explained, while the blonde human looked at him, intrigued.

"So... Collin and Alice are meant to be?" Lilian ushered, raising both eyebrows, "that explains a damn hell lot."

"Indeed, it does," Jasper agreed with a chuckle, though Lilian still noticed an uncomfortable swift in his movements that told her there was something else.

"Back in the woods," Lilian started slowly, her eyes slightly widening, "you called me your mate... does that mean that—"

"Yes," he replied promptly, yet playful, "you are my mate... and I'm sorry for not enlightening you sooner, but I was afraid you'd think me mad and walk away from me..." Lilian's eyes widened at his confession and she placed a hand on his jaw.

"Jazz... how could I ever walk away from you?" she mumbled, "I love you. More than I thought was possible for a human to do." Her heart made summersaults and her stomach fell into a million butterflies when Jasper smiled at her lovingly.

"Lilian Natalia Harper, you make me feel human. You make me feel wanted and loved. And I am absolutely sure I want to spend every minute of the rest of my life with you," Jasper whispered to her, leaning in. His cold, fresh lips brushed against her soft, warm ones, and Lilian planted a fast kiss on Jasper's lips. The vampire in question, however, didn't think that a good idea and didn't break the kiss when Lilian intended to.

Lilian cupped Jasper's face and let her fingers tangle into his honey blond hair. His tongue slowly pressed its way into her mouth, eventually brushing against hers. She moved onto his lap without breaking the kiss. His hands traveled from her thighs to her sides, and from there they found their way underneath her shirt. Lilian didn't even notice it when he literally tore it off her body, as she was completely lost into the kiss, into kissing him.

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