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WEEKS PASSED. Forks High School's entire population was in a complete frenzy with prom. Yes, almost everyone was obsessed with the upcoming prom that was three and a half months away.

Meanwhile, Lilian Harper had become close friends with the daughter of her boss: Bella Swan. Her only problem with the girl, was that she was completely obsessedwith a certain bronze-haired vampire she didn't like much.

What made Lilian's problem with her friend's obsession even bigger, was the fact that she knewthat Edward Cullen was overly obsessed with Bella as well. Not only did he stare at her whenever Bella wasn't looking, Lilian recently found out that the frozen teenager was watching her best friend in her sleep, inside her room.

Lilian and Edward had now gotten themselves into a huge fight because of it, considering the fact that Lilian thought Edward's behavior unacceptable.

"Alice does it too!" Edward objected against the blonde human, who rolled her eyes annoyed.

"That's because Alice and Collin are rolling around most of the time," Lilian hissed at him, whilst glaring at Alice – the blonde still didn't like the fact that her brother was having sex with a vampire, who could crush him by accident.

"And what about Jasper?" Edward said slyly, "he watches you as well."

Lilian's cheeks flushed in anger and Emmet snickered from the sidelines. Lilian glared at him with her ice blue orbs and turned back to Edward.

"Jasper stays with me at night because I ask him to," Lilian stated in a growl, "I sleep more comfortably when I know he's around, for there is always a chance that bare-chested creep of a vampire finds me, for the third time, and tries to kill me again!"

Edward had opened his mouth when she was speaking, but now closed it, silenced by her words, "I understand that. But can't you at least understand that I'm doing the same?"

"I get it, you want Bella safe," Lilian sighed, "but just don't go into her damn room Edward! She's your singer, every nerve in your body is begging you to kill her." The blonde walked up to the bronze haired vampire, her eyes glaring daggers at him.

"And I can promise you, Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, if you only dare  to as much hurt a hair on her body; I'll burn you to the bottom of my feet and keep your ashes in the ugliest pot I can find," Lilian vowed at him threateningly. Edward stared at her and gulped, nodding at the intimidating human in front of him.

"If she ever  becomes a vampire, I don't want to be around her in her newborn-phase. That'll kill me," Emmet stated, changing the subject from Bella to something more... touchy for some people in the room.

"Well, then you don't have to be scared for a while, Em," Lilian stated carelessly, "I'm doubting that I'll even become one of you guys." The blonde sat down next to him, not noticing the pained silence that had fallen upon the vampires until then.

"What's wrong?" Lilian asked, not kidding when she didn't get the problem with her words.

"It's nothing, darlin'," Jasper said as he pulled her on his lap and kissed her brow.

"Though I understand you must be a great liar, don't lie to me, Whitlock," Lilian scolded softly, the tip of her nose touching his briefly.

"You still haven't showed us how you actually  discovered the fact that we're immortal," Rosalie spoke up, eyeing Lilian curiously. And whilst the blonde vampire managed to change the subject subtly, Lilian's subconsciousness saved the theme of 'becoming a vampire' for later.

"Next time I'm here, I'll take my book and show you guys," Lilian promised, but Alice already squealed and dropped Mysteriously gone on her lap before Lilian could say 'vampire'. The blonde human stared at the pixie for a whole minute, one of her eyebrows raised – asking for an explanation with her gaze.

"I saw your decision to take it next time and ran to your house an hour ago," Alice said in a small voice, "I hope you don't mind... I even left Hunter a snack to make it up to you."

"Ah, you pleased the dog," Lilian snorted, and Emmet seemed to choke on his breath, though Lilian didn't understand what was funny about her statement other than the sarcasm, "then it's OK."

"So, start with the beginning..." Jasper pushed, as he wrapped his arms around her waist, looking with her over her shoulder.

"Okay, I was bored and I kind of started to browse through the pages of the nineteenth century. Most of them were quite boring, considering that there weren't many pictures in that time and only highly qualified people got a few – and those people didn't disappear, most of the times. Most times, the details sucked too, though.

"After a while, I stumbled upon a quite delicately detailed file. It was about a Major in Texas, that disappeared the night before his first battle. There were reports that he was evacuating the women and children of Galveston and then... he wasn't seen again for at least fifty years. There were multiple pictures of this man: Jasper Whitlock. On one, I even saw Alice. Coincidence? I think not."

"Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale, that evidence should've been destroyed a long time ago!" Carlisle scolded mockingly, but Lilian chuckled, leaning into Jasper's embrace.

"A little rich coming from you, Carlisle," Lilian said, "when I literally Googled your name, I found multiple files of a certain Carlisle Cullen that worked in a hospital in Chicago around 1918. And one from 1895, 1923 and 1946," Lilian announced, and Emmet howled with laughter.

"Alice and Emmet were the only ones that had a few pictures taken, on which they looked different, considering the styles of fashion that vary each decade. They seemed to at least take effort in changing their appearance. But I had the most trouble with Emmet, though. Considering that he disappeared in the woods, his family assumed he got eaten by a bear," Lilian added to her story. If Emmet's ego would've been visible, Lilian was assured it filled the entire room at that moment.

Lilian took her phone, texting Angela that she was leaving now, so she'd be at her place any minute. Angela, Jessica and Bella had invited her to go dress-shopping in Port Angeles.

She hated the idea of dress-shopping, certainly for prom. She didn't even want to go, but Lilian had spent so much time with Jasper and the other Cullens, that she had forgotten to spend time with her human friends. This trip was supposed to make up for that.

"Let's get there as fast as we can!" Jessica exclaimed when all the girls had entered the car. The extroverted brunette sat next to Lilian, a big grin on her face. Lilian figured it was there because of the fact that they'd make it to Port Angeles within an hour with Lilian's Audi, which was way less than usual cars in this area.

"Keep the speed in check, Lil," Bella groaned, "my dad's a cop and you work at the Police Station, for God's sake." Lilian grinned in the rearview mirror, her blue eyes sparkling mischievously.

"Ignorance is bliss, dear Bells," Lilian spoke, mocking a wise, old lady accent.

"This is going to be great!" Angela said enthusiastically, "Now race for your money, Harper."

And Lilian did just that.



thanks for reading and see you soon. x

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