Chapter Two

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The gladers have found their way to a wrecked, abandoned building. They quietly searched around the building, searching for more supplies. Your hand never left Newt's as you quietly followed where he went. You were terrified. You were worried that the cranks will come any minute. Next thing you were worried about was that you guys will be caught by WICKED any moment and the worst of all was being taken away by Newt.
Your thoughts were deepening till Newt embraced you with a warm hug. You buried your face again his chest and sighed. He knew you were worried.
"Love," he said, "everything is gonna be all right. I'll be your knight to protect you from those cranks."
Your eyes got lost in his lovely eyes. You simply nodded as you continued to follow him. Everybody have split up to find any more supplies to help them. Thomas and Minho went to find a way to turn on the light.
Teresa lightly tapped your shoulder and whispered, "I found some clothes for us."
She began walking toward the black hole as you followed along with her. As you guys walk farther into the dark room, you saw bunch of clothes all stacked up. They were all covered in dust and some of them were a bit teared up, but it was good enough for you guys to wear. You picked up a brown leather jacket and a black tank top.
On the other hand, Frypan was looking at what you guys were doing and before he got to see anything, Newt smirked and said, "Don't look at them, and look at me."
When you were done changing, you looked around the room to see if there was any supplies. You found something laying...on the ground. Something that was shimmering. You slowly bended down. It was a locket. You picked it up and cleaned off the dust with your leather jacket and opened it. There was a picture... of a woman... and a little girl. A little girl that looked familiar. You stared at the picture for a good solid minute and decided to put it on your neck.
"Let me help." Newt said as he came over and unclipped the locket.
His hands brushed through your neck while pushing you hair away to one side. You could hear his heart beating. Your eyes met his eyes as Newt began to come closer to your face. You were lost in his world. His sweet and gentle lips met yours. You missed him so much. WICKED kept pulling you away from him. It's been months since you guys saw each other. You remember the good memories in the Glade. The three promises. Your moment was ruined because of lack of oxygen. You arm wrapped around his neck as his hands rested on your waist.
He gathered up his courage and said, "I missed you, N/n. You do not know how much I was bloody desperate for you every day. Every time you walked by the hallway of the cafeteria...I always wanted to run up to you and give you a warm gentle kiss and hug and ask you how are you. WICKED shucking took you away from me too long."
You kissed his forehead and you both smiled. You missed his warm smile. No matter where you were with felt like home.
You guys rushed out to see what was happening and turns out..Minho made a shucking mistake.

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