Chapter Seven

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You ended hanging upside down with the other gladers. Minho has messed up the whole plan, again. "Minho," you growled, "you're such a shuckface!" Minho stayed quiet because if he yelled back, he knew you were going to get him later. You thought your head was gonna explode any moment.

"I have an idea!" Thomas announced. "Let's push Teresa since she is the closest to ground."

This seemed a very klunk idea, but it was worth a try. Teresa was pushed to Thomas, then Newt, the the big final Minho. He missed the catch. Poor Teresa, swinging back and forth.

They tried again, and Minho screwed it up again as you let out a growl. "Minho, you shuckface, if you don't push her at the right time, I'm going to feed you to the cranks!!!!"

You could see him gulp as Thomas pushed Teresa to Newt. Finally, Minho pushed her and she was able to make it to the ground and help the rest. Newt lended me a hand and I was so glad to be on ground again.

"Took you guys long enough." The girl name Brenda said as she showed up with Jorge. You glared at them. "We don't have enough time." Brenda began as she pointed her head toward the empty hallway.

"Why should we believe you?" You asked.

"If you don't want to die, follow us."

You could see Thomas following her and so did the other gladers. "Can I really trust her?" You questioned yourself. You hesitated, but decided to catch up with the others. Janson's voice echoed down the hallways.

Strange music was playing in the background as Jorge yelled, "You better hurry up before the song ends!" "What's going to happen?" You thought. The Gladers stopped and saw a rope that was connected to the other building and a handles on the rope.

"Don't tell me that--"

"Yes we are. Who's going first?" Brenda asked.

Minho bravely walked over and grabbed on to the handle that was attached to the rope. Then, Frypan. Next, Teresa. After Teresa safetly reached the other side, Aris hesitated to grab on to the handle. He ran off and you saw him reaching the other side within a second. It was Newt's turn.

"Be safe." You whispered.

He gave you a smile and there he went. Your heart was beating fast...nervous that he might not make it to the other building. He did. You grabbed onto the handle and swifty pushed off the ground.

You felt somebody flicker their lights at you and you realized it was the WICKED burg. You were almost there. Almost. BANG! The bullet screamed as they sprung free from the gun. You screamed out when it hit your right arm. The Gladers settled you down when you have finally reached the building. You felt tears streaming out.

"We have to get going." Jorge stated.

Minho wrapped a cloth around your arm and Newt carried you on his back. You could still feel blood trickling down your arm. There was sweat all over your forehead. "Is this the end of the journey for me?" You questioned yourself.

The last thing you heard was him whispering, "Everything is gonna be bloody alright."

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