Chapter 12

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Liam's P.O.V

"Alright!" Nohea says as our little fishing group arrives at the beach. "First off.." She looks around and realization is clear on her face. She face-palms and everybody looks at her weirdly. Okay..

"What time do you think we should head back" Danyelle asks and She laughs a little. "When the sun says 8:00pm" Nohea smirks and she laughs rolling her eyes. Oh that's right the only one in this group that has a working watch is Megan... Megan. I wonder how she's doing..

"So captain how do we do this?" Louis asks snapping me out of my thoughts. He lifts the large sticks and branches Nohea and Danyelle practically begged us to carry on the way here.

"I've noticed yesterday.. Or maybe two days ago.." Danyelle looks as if she's in deep thought. "Someday I was in the ocean and I've noticed some good sized fish swimming around." She says and the girl in the ocean me and Megan saw instantly flashes in my mind.

I instantly blush and try to hide my face. Oh gosh she was the girl in the water wasn't she? She even said that woke up on the beach.

"You okay man?" Niall asks and I nod pushing away my thoughts.

"Don't we need some kind of string?" I ask changing the subject.

"Where would we get the strings" Cristy raises an eye brow and I shrug.

"And that's why we have those" Danyelle points to the sticks. "And this" Danyelle takes out her pocket knife and raises her head high.

"How did you guys even get those things through the security" I ask. "Smart girls" Danyelle starts. "Vs. Stupid donut eating meat-heads." Nohea finishes.

"You guys are like thing one and thing two" Louis laughs and we all join in. "Aren't there shirts that says that?" Cristy asks. "Yeah! I still have mine!" Danyelle exclaims.

"You guys have those shirts?" Niall asks and they both nod.

"I'll be the cat!" Louis smiles and I roll my eyes while everyone else laughs. "I think Harry should be the cat" Nohea says.

"Why?" Cristy asks. "Oh right. Your not a directioner" Danyelle says. "Well Harry is a major cat person so he should be the cat. That's all" Danyelle shrugs.

"Is it not weird that you guys met 2 days ago and you girls know everything about them?" Cristy asks and the girls laugh. "We're used to it" Niall says.

"Okay guys don't we have to get some food" I say getting us back on track. "Yes daddy" Danyelle winks then laughs.

"That sounded very sexual" Louis says the same time as Nohea says "That sounded dirty" They both laugh and high-five and I see Niall very faintly tense.

"Anyway" Danyelle rolls her eyes. "We need to make spear out of these sticks you guys are holding. And once we get that done we can go to catching the fish!" Danyelle exclaims.

"There are six of us so.." Nohea outs her finger in her chin. "Which is harder to learn shaping the spears or fishing, I have less experience then you" Nohea asks Danyelle.

"Fishing Is harder." She answers.

"Okay so for now we will all watch carefully as Danyelle teaches us to shape the spears. Then when she's done we will take 4 people to the ocean and the other two will have to stay and carve the spear. She'll teach us how to catch fish with the spear she made and by the time she's done teaching us that, the second spear should be ready and we will keep catching from there sound good?" Nohea explains and I mentally applaud her for her leadership skills.

"Wow" Cristy says smiling. "We've got a nature exert and an awesome leader" She continues and pats the girls on the back.

"Your pretty nature-y too.. I guess" Niall says to Cristy. "Nature-y?" Louis raises an eye brow and Niall shrugs. "That's something I would say don't steal my words" Louis scolds him and we all laugh.

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