Chapter 7

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"Zayn's P.O.V

Only after a few yard walking out of the cave Cristy started to pace back and fourth with me and Niall just watching her. She's the one who wanted to split up and now I thinks she's having second thoughts.

"Do you want to go back?" I ask her and she stops pacing to look at me. "Should I... No no she wanted me to leave. But I.. Dammit!" She pulls at the roots of her hair. "Wait why are you so nervous.. I mean I'm pretty sure we can survive without that cave" Niall says.

"That's not the point" She sighs and finally sits leans back on a tree. "Then.. What is the point of you. Freaking out?" I ask.

"I should've told them where I got those coconuts. And that stream was pretty far I wonder if they'll find where it is" She thinks to herself I chuckle in disbelief and Niall snorts. She looks up at us. "What?"

"Not even 5 minutes ago you were screaming your arse off about how you hate Lily and never want to see her again and now your worried about her?" Niall smirks and Cristy gives him the 'wtf' look.

"Okay first of all I didn't say I hated her. She hated me. Second I never said I never wanted to see her again, just that we should split up, and last what is arse?" She explains and me and Niall laugh.

"Gosh you make me sound so evil" Cristy puts her hand on her chest. "We'll you make her sound evil" Niall laughs. "No I just said what is true and what isn't" Cristy holds her head up.

"We'll arse is like.. Ass. In American." Niall explains. "I see" Cristy is in deep thought for a while until space finally jumps up to her feet and claps sgher hands.

"What do you think should we just keep going. Harry's your friend do you think he can climb up a tree?" She asks us. Me and Niall look at each other. I cannot even I imagine Harry climbing a tree. None of us actually. We'll except for Louis and Niall I'm sure they would climb a tree.

We both shake our head and she sighs. "Would he eat a bug?" Niall bursts out in laughter but after looking at Cristy's face he immediately became quiet.

"Your serious?" He tilts his head.

"Yeah. If he won't get his coconuts then the next best thing his protein. Bugs" She says I a total straight face. I make a face because the thought of eating bugs is sick. Cristy must of noticed because she laughed at me and I tried to hide my blush. I surprised myself when I learned that I have some kind of feeling towards Cristy. I didn't have any feelings towards girls since...

"How does a bug taste?" Niall asked out of the blue stopping me out of my thoughts. Is Niall really thinking of trying to eat a bug? I know he would eat anything but that is just gross.

"Most bugs are very bitter. Only when there fried or roasted of course. I'm not sure what a raw bug taste like and I rather not find out. But some bugs are actually good. Like stink bugs for example there usually bitter but sometimes they taste like cinnamon." She explains and I can't help but ask despite my 'mysterious' boy act.

"You've tasted a bug before" The words slipped out before I could catch them.

"Yeah. Only dead roasted ones though. Never raw" She tells me and I make a face again making her laugh.

"What if you eat them raw?" Niall asks. This boy is just filled with questions today.

"Then you better chew good or else you'll feel something crawling in your stomach all night long'' She says and this time I make a gagging noise. I can't take this subject anymore.

"I seriously doubt Harry would even think twice about eating a bug. Even if his dear life depended on it" Niall laughs and Cristy joins him. "How will we even be able to roast the bugs?"

"Niall mate enough with all the bug questions" I tell him trying to hold in the vomit that is threatening to come. "Zayn your such a girl" Niall teases him and I send him a glare.

"Well. You guys are Harry's friend. Do you think he'd at least go fishing?" Cristy finally changes the subject. "He would try. But fail miserably." Niall jokes.

"Then were going back" Cristy pouts. I shrug and Niall nods.

"Fine. But let's go and get something to eat while were out here before it starts to get dark" She tells us and we continue on deeper into the forest.

Cristy was not kidding about the coconut tree and stream being far. We've been walking for hours and I still haven't spotted any fruits. Okay I'm exaggerating we walked for a few minutes.

"You boys wanna try some bugs tonight?" Cristy lifts up a medium sized rock revealing bugs underneath.

"Ye-" "No. No. No." I say sternly interrupting Niall from ruining my dinner. "I rather walk for another couple of miles then eat... Bugs" I say in disgust and Cristy starts to laugh.

"I'm kidding! I would never force you to eat these things" She says through fits of laughter dropping the rock back in its place. I sigh in relief.

"So. Are we close to the coconuts yet?" Niall asks and Cristy smirks at him and points up to the sky. We follow to where she is pointing and see that the forest trees have coconuts, bananas, even strawberries, and regular berry's.

"Woah" Niall broke the comfortable silence. "This tree is huge.. Y-you didn't tell us there were other fruits as well" I look over to my friend and he is practically drooling over the tree above us.

"How is there so much different fruits on the same tree?" I ask. "No idea. But it's beautiful, and an amazing food source" Cristy smiles and starts to climb up the tree.

"Any of you coming with me?" Cristy motions for us to go up the tree with her. I shake my head but Niall gladly follows Cristy up the tree. Once they reach the top Cristy lays her foot on a branch and turns around in one swift move. Wow.

"Me and Niall will throw you down the food and you collect it okay?" She instructs me from the top of the tree. I nod and they start throwing countless fruits on me. I try to run and catch all of them all but fail miserably and is forced to watch good fruits smash onto the ground.

After a while the raining fruits stop and I look up to see a worried looking Niall. "What wrong?" I yell. He doesn't answer just gulps and points somewhere.

I look to where he is pointing and the sight nearly gives me a heart attack.

What I saw. Was Cristy.

With a Boa Constrictor wrapped around her...


(Author's Note!)

I was about to make this chapter 2 times as long but I forgot to keep you guys in suspense so here it is. *Evily Laughs*

How will Lily take Cristy coming back to the cave?

Will Cristy come back to the cave?

Can she survive the Boa Constrictor that is about to squeeze her to death?

Who will save her?

Niall or Zayn?

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