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" so you're  taking this job or what  is happening  in your mind ?" Xavier  smiled . The expression  felt freeing to him

"you enjoying this? " I asked  him , he looked so good and relaxed  while I'm here sitting  down, shitting  on my pants, watching this  sex  god flashing  before my eyes . 

" kind of" he shrugged  smiling  at me " you know  Xavier ,I'm  here  for this  job not  for you ,note that " I took a deep  breath and I finally  meet his  gaze. 

" I was hoping "he said , his tone patronizing. He stared  at me ,his mask cracking a fraction  to reveal adoration, the look disappeared  and in its place is mocking

" so you were fired " Xavier's voice  cuts my thoughts , and I whip my head around  to face him

" guess I was" I answered  staring at him and he shrugged "so I guess you really need this job " he commented

" I don't  really  need it, I can  find another one  " I mutter  to myself  , rolling on to my hands and knees before I stand to my feet and begin to walk out of this office 

" okay , I get that you don't  really  need this job but can you sit down  so that we can talk a little bit " the silence is louder  than words could possibly  be right now and the tension in the air is  so thick that it's  suffocating , waiting  to be broken  by either  of our voices , but neither  one of us have anything to say to each other  

" I get that you mad" Xavier  huffs, lifting  my head , I smiled .With that look,he felt  his worry easing  away .A quiet moment slipped by as the world continued to rage  on around us .

I can't  believe  this .I can't  believe anything   that's  been said right  now. Is he out of  his mind ? " you're  stupid if you think  I'm  mad Xavier" I say  with a laugh .It's  so  ridiculous. 

" I want  to  explain  myself  what happened back there " Xavier  starts off . I scoffed .The door was opened  by the  only girl I don't  like , Kearney Chertsey  . "Can you  leave?" I wanted  to scream  at her ,getting  really pissed off at her presence

"  what did you say ? Bitch  , who do you think  you are " she asked  with her high  pitched  voice .See , there ,  I said it .She's a Bitch  .

" Get out  Ms Chertsey " now it was Xavier who said  it , and  guess  what ? She was  out of words like a fish  gasping  for water .

" I will be out I wanted--" she didn't  get to finish her sentence  cause  I pushed  her out  of the office  . Who does  she think she is ? in the  world of bitches  she must rate herself  . and there  , she was out.

I snorted  at the memory" oh yeah  , you want to explain  what happened  back there ?Really  Xavier?  you want  to do that  now  ? don't  you think it's too late ? I waited  and waited for you but  you chose her isn't it ?and now you want  to explain  yourself? wow .Oh great " I mumble  sarcastically. 

" I know  what I did was stupid,  I'm  really sorry , I want  us to  start over,  and pick  the pieces where we left off " he is pissing me off even more !! he can't  came  back in my life and get to  say that  shit to me !! he is kidding  he must be !!

" who the hell  are  you?! in the world  of dogs  please rate  yourself  !! you ruined  me okay! ! you chose her Xavier  I wanted  us to work but guess what? I was the  only one wanting  that relationship  , I wanted to fight for you but you !!, you didn't  fight  for me Xavier,  I was the only one fighting for that thing and it  wasn't a relationship  , a fling  I guess . Yeah it was  it . You always find a way in my heart and I give it to you only for  you to break it!!don't  you think  I'm tired ? I'm  a human  .I have feelings  and stop  messing  up  with my feelings  ,okay ! I wanted  us to work  but all my efforts were nothing  to you   because  you love  Olivia.  All I wanted  was you to love  me , to be with me all I  wanted  to do was be with you, only  you .But   things  happened , fate happened  . Me falling  in love with  you and you falling  in love  with someone  else.  I'm  done doing this , I'm done hurting  myself  .I think  it's  over ." I inhale a deep breath to refill my lungs with the air I'd  just lost  to that extremely  long and pathetic  rant .

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