Chapter Two

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(Phone rings)

I took out my phone almost immediately to answer the call. There was no reason to check because I already knew who it would be; Melissa, she could leave a dozen messages if her phone call wasn't picked.

"Melissa honey, I told you I'm on my way. There's absolutely no need to call a thousand times... Yes.... No.... I mean Yes.... I mean, I don't know, I'm on my way.... "

I cut the call, double tapping the end button as it didn't work the first time I tried.

(Another phone call)

"I told you to stop bothering me! Oh mum it's you, sorry I thought you were another-"   I put the call on loudspeaker, as I searched for something in my bag; the keys to my car.

"We need to talk," she said over the phone.

"Mum I'm off to school and I'll appreciate it if you stop calling-" I said.

"Don't ever think that you are too old for a reproach. I'm still your mother!"

"I'm sorry, What's the meeting about anyways?" I asked.

"I suppose we will know that, when you come over." Her voice was a little too excited than it was minutes ago.

I sighed.

I knew what she wanted to talk about, I've known my mum for good twenty-four years. It had to be about my wedding. I anticipated the wedding years back, but right now, I don't know anymore. It's more like I was getting tired of him before we even got started.

Too many trust issues, too many secrets. He had been very good to me, but there was this part of him that I was yet to know. He had never showed it to me, not yet.

I drove to school. The path that led to school had become way too common for me that I readily make a right turn without looking. I pressed my feet against the accelerator when I needed to pace up. I continued driving till I reached the tall gate that guarded the school and then pulled over at a corner of the school. Since someone took the spot I loved the most, I had to make do with what I saw beside scented pull out flowers from their stalks.

I alighted and was greeted by the tall trees softly dancing about, the school's flag and the Country's flag did too. I realized suddenly how very cold I felt. It was winter and luckily, I had brought my ivory coloured woolen sweater along.

"Finally!" Melissa called, coming from behind. Melissa, your average college girl. Her hair had a darker shade of caramel brown, whose prim ends rested on her shoulder, a thin nose bridge and her lips radiated crimson red. Her striped white and black inner vest, had the white in more dominance to the black. She complimented her dress with her overly sized sweater, that trapped her skin hair pores.

 She complimented her dress with her overly sized sweater, that trapped her skin hair pores

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One of the few friends I made in Oakland. She struck me as the serious type initially. Indeed she was. I enjoyed her company as she gave life to everything she did. I admired that.

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