Delve deeper into the on-going world of the Before the Sun Rises Series with the companion piece. This compilation includes character biographies and lots of interesting factoids and other tidbits of information not fully covered in any of the books...
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Species: Siberian tiger and human hybrid
Gender: male
Role: soldier
Relationship: single
Real Name: unknown
Physical Attributes:
When in human form:
Eyes - green
Hair – yellow blonde with platinum highlights, shoulder length with just a touch of curl, very thick
Height – 6 feet
Body type - well toned and muscular but not overly bulky
Face – high cheek bones, square jaw, broad forehead, straight nose, full bottom lip and heart-shaped top lip
Age - unknown
Looks – mid twenties
Physical Attributes:
When in hybrid form:
Eyes - bright green with a gold ring around the irises
Hair – becomes thicker, courser, white which graduated to a yellow-gold hue towards the ends streaked through with black
Height - 6 feet
Body type – in hybrid form he is much more muscular, very bulky, with dense, white fuzz riddled through with tiger-like markings covering his entire body which is finer and thinner on his face and hands. His limbs and fingers are a bit longer than normal, slender, with retractable claws on the ends of his fingers. His ears gravitate to the top of his head and are pointed, allowing him a heightened sense of hearing. He is very fast, much stronger than most lycans, with heightened senses (eyesight, smell, hearing)
Face – his straight nose flattens out more, his square jaw a bit more angular and pointed, taking on a closer resemblance to a cat
Cocky, self-assured, Neko is very brutal, a bit rough around the edges, and very arrogant. He is used to getting what he wants and does not take 'no' for an answer. He comes off as being incredibly spoiled and is very aggressive in his mannerisms, especially when dealing with females. He's very much an alpha male whose quick wit and smart mouth tends to rub everyone the wrong way.
A Brief History:
Very little is known about Neko's past history or what his real name actually is. He was recruited by the Shield of Humanity as a test subject due to peak overall physical attributes and willingness to push his body past the breaking point. He is the only known "successful" hybrid created by the Shield of Humanity in a lab setting. He is able to shift into a hybrid half-leopard, half-human form at will.
Once realizing Neko was the closest thing they were going to get to a near-perfect lycan hybrid, Steven Hall used him as his own personal body guard as well as a recruiter for new members of the agency. He was used in various missions, including kidnapping of government officials and the assassination of the agency's enemies.