Delve deeper into the on-going world of the Before the Sun Rises Series with the companion piece. This compilation includes character biographies and lots of interesting factoids and other tidbits of information not fully covered in any of the books...
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Species: human turned vampire
Gender: female
Role: unknown
Relationship: unknown
Physical Attributes:
Eyes - green
Hair - platinum blonde
Height - 5'3"
Body type - round hips, slender bill
Face - cherub-like, heart shaped, full lips, round cheeks
Age - embraced in 1748
Looks - 22
Born and raised in southern England, "Lee Lee" is very much a young lady. She was raised to act and speak as a proper young woman. Despite this, she was a rambunctious child who loved to play outdoors and felt more at home in the stables and in the fields where she could run wild and free. She loathed being forced to dress up and sit still while learning to play the piano and embroidery. Her father doted on her, spoiling her as he allowed her to express her inner tomboy as often as possible. She has always struggled to keep her thoughts to herself. Quick witted, she tends to wear her heart on her sleeve. While easily hurt, she tries not to let her emotions show although she oftentimes fails.
She comes from a religious household. While she herself was never overzealous about her religion, she did believe in demos, demonic monsters, and was very afraid of such things. After she was embraced, she believed she had lost her soul and had become the very monster she was so terrified of. She slowly lost her touch with reality, and fully embraced the darkness which she felt was consuming her. This slowly drove her a bit mad, her normal gentle nature shifting drastically from quiet contemplation to violent outbursts.
A Brief History:
Forcibly embraced by her betrothed, her drained her twin brother and then forced her to choose to either let him die or embrace him. She chose to embrace him, screwing him in the process. She was so disgusted by what she had to do and what she had become she fled England to America, leaving a trail of death and destruction in her wake. The Council caught wind of her actions about a decade after she was embraced, but they kept watch over her until they finally decided she was bringing too much attention to the supernatural world and marked her for assassination. They sent Stealth after her, but after watching her and hearing her story, he could not bring himself to kill her. She attacked him, nearly killing him, and her guilt lead her to embrace him. He entombed her & swore he would not resurrect her until he found her brother.