Chapter 7- Alone Time (FINALLY)

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The singles round was coming up and the rest of my team had nominated me to fight in it. For once, I wasn't looking forward to a fight. Instead, I was looking forward to my date with Velvet. I finally managed to get Ruby and Yang off my back, literally in Ruby's case, and was polishing my horns, when a knock at the door both surprised me and pissed me off. I swirled around to see Qrow standing in the door.

"Hey Deke. I catch you at a bad time?" He asked.

"Kind of. I can spare a couple minutes though."

He motioned at the rag in my hand. "Hot date?"

I nodded. "Yeah. First one in a while were it's just been the two of us."

He chuckled. "Quick question though. What happened to your tail?" he said, motioning to the spot where it should have been.

"Bitten off by a Beowulf when I was, I don't know, thirteen or so. Fell into a pack of them, killed most of them, then the alpha bit off my tail when my aura was depleted. Killed him, then ran like hell. Not exactly my finest hour."

Qrow looked like he was about to cry, and I knew he was blaming himself. "Don't worry about it. It didn't do much and it hardly hurt. Plus, it makes sleeping on my back easier." I said, lamely. Qrow measured out a half smile.

"Thanks kid. So, how long you and Velvet been together?"

"Since the beginning of the semester. Why? Oh gods, if you're here to give me the talk, I already got it from Lapis so please spare us both."

Qrow sighed in relief. "Oh, thank the gods. Wait. Lapis?"

"Yeeeeah. She thought it would be a good idea when I started dating Velvet. Something about not wanting weird horned rabbit babies running around."

Qrow chuckled. "Well she's a smart girl. That was a very good idea. And now I don't have to do it." he said, right as the alarm on my watch beeped.

"That's my "Move now or you'll be late" alarm. I'm sorry i got to.." He cut me off with a wave.

"Don't worry about it son. We'll have plenty of time to catch up later."

I smiled. "Thanks Uncle" I ran out of my room and made a mad dash towards CFVY's room, almost knocking over a few foreign students. The Beacon ones knew by now to move when I run down the halls.

Velvet was waiting for me outside her room, surprising me. My heart skipped a beat or two. Instead of her normal outfit, she wore a black sundress adorned with blue flowers and black shoes. She smiled when she saw me. "Like my new dress?"

I was stunned speechless. She looked gorgeous and here I was wearing my normal clothes. I really need to get myself a different outfit besides shorts and a vest.

"You look absolutely stunning babe." I said, bending down to kiss her. She blushed.

"Thank you. Lapis and Yang helped me pick it out. Lapis even bought it for me." she said, which means I probably bought it. Though, at the moment, I didn't care. I held out my arm.

"You ready?" I asked.

She threaded her arm through mine and held my hand. "Of course. Let's go."

When we got to the festival grounds, the place was packed. As usual, every damn person seemed to stare at me. Seriously, this was getting really old. Velvet must have felt my arm tense or something, because she reached up and patted my shoulder. "Just ignore them babe. Today is all about us, not them."

Team OPLL- A RWBY story. Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now