Chapter 3: Friends New and Old

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 Velvet came running up to me. "You were amazing!" she said, jumping for an embrace.

 I caught her and kissed her long and hard. "Thank you very much." I said, when I came up for air.

 Lapis looked around. "Where's my victory kiss?" she demanded.

 "Right here sweetheart." Flynt said, walking up. Neon rolled in beside him.

 "Yay!" Lapis said as she ran over to him and received her kiss.                         

 "Hey Flynt. Hey Neon. How is it that we only see the two of you?" Lazuli asked.

 "After we won our match, the other guys had to head back to Atlas. Just me and Flynt now." Neon said.

 "Flynt Coal! How you doing man?" Dustin called running up to us, his team behind him.

 "Dustin. Man,you got beat bad." He said, giving Dustin a quick hug before going back to Lapis.

 "Whoa Whoa Whoa. What's going on here?" Dustin said pointing to Flynt and Lapis's interlocked hands.

 "Oh. Yeah. That. Well, remember that girlfriend I was talking to you about? Guess I don't need to introduce you now huh?"

 "You got that right." He turned to me.

 "You guys want to grab some food? I'm starving after that fight. DMND's paying."

 "I'm in and I'm bringing a date."

"Same here." Lapis said.

 "We're in." Lazuli said.

 "You are not leaving me behind." Neon chimed in.

 Dustin laughed. "Wouldn't dream of it Neon." 

We headed off to the fairgrounds and I introduced Velvet to DMND.

 We got giant bowls of noodles at a stand Pyrrha had recommended. Dana said she vaguely remembered Carli from the combat school in Atlas. Carli didn't remember any of them.Dustin and Flynt were obviously friends going way back and Dustin was giving Flynt grief over his Vale girlfriend. Mack and Lazuli were discussing the possibility of double date night, which both Dana and Carli agreed to. Neon was trying to get Carli into skating. Me and Nick were comparing weapons, which Lapis made a joke about that I didn't quite get but was apparently very funny. I explained where I came from to DMND and admitted that I was slightly regretting my name choice when I heard Nick's last name, which he laughed about.

 Overall,we had fun. 

We headed back to the dorms, with DMND, Flynt, and Neon heading towards the Atlas guest dorms.

 Velvet said she was spending the night again,which I was thrilled about. My team locked up our weapons and hit the showers.Velvet was waiting for us when we got back to our room, sadly not alone. RWBY was there, along with JNPR and SSSN.

 "What do you guys want?" I asked, a bit harsher than I intended but sue me. I was exhausted and wanted to go to sleep with my girlfriend, is that too much to ask for?


 "Can I get that from someone who won't blowout my eardrums? And why are you in our room?" I asked, wincing a little from Ruby's yelling.

 "Her uncle showed up and antagonized my sister to the point that she had to teach him some respect." Weiss said.

 "Is this the same uncle that taught you how to fight?" Lazuli asked.

 "YES! HE'S AWESOME AND HE TOTALLY KICKED WINTER'S BUTT! YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN IT! HE WAS ALL LIKE..." I reached out and picked up Ruby by the hood, lifting her up to my eye level.

 "Calm down. I'm tired, sore, and old." She crossed her arms, an angry looked on her face.


"Wait. How old are you?" Nora asked.

 I shrugged.

 "When's your birthday?" Jaune asked.

 I shrugged again. "I don't know."

 "How do you not know!?" Yang asked.

 "How are you just now figuring this out?" Lapis said.

 "Guy can't remember his parents, where he grew up, what his name is, why he can design things so well, why he can read, who unlocked his aura, yada yada yada. You're that surprised he can't remember his birthday or age?"

 "Can you put me down now?" Ruby asked. I had forgotten I was holding her. I dropped her, and she landed hard on her butt.

 "So, is Velvet dating an old man?" Yang asked.

"NO. I mean, I don't think I'm that old. I don't have any gray fur. I feel youngish, I guess. I don't know. Never thought about it."

 "Well that's stupid.Let's give you a birthday! And an age!" Nora said excitedly.

 "Okay." I said, nervously

 "Well, we're all 17, except for Ruby and Velvet, so you could go with 17." Jaune said.


 "What about his birthday?" Neptune asked.

 "He could share someone's." Blake suggested.

 "I'll share with him." Pyrrha said.

 "There we go. Ox you now have a birthday and an age." Blake said.

 I was still trying to catch up. "Thanks, Pyrrha." I said.

 "Don't worry about it. Everyone deserves to have a birthday." 

"Awesome. Fur rug has a birthday. Now if you are not a member of Team OPLL or dating a member of Team OPLL, get out so we can sleep!"Lapis said.

 "Wait. What was that last part?" Yang asked.

 Lapis stuttered for a minute before saying "Ah crap."

 They whirled on Velvet. "WHEN DID THAT START?"Nora asked.

 Velvet blushed as red as Ruby's hood. I would have too probably. I saw Carli give Lazuli some Lien.

 "Told you she couldn't go a week without telling someone." Lazuli said.

 "Uh." Velvet said, looking at me.

 I just glared death at Lapis, who was doing her best impression of a hole in the air.

 "NICE ONE DUDE!" Sun said, holding out his hand for a high five. I glared at him.

 "ok too soon for high fives, got it." He said.

 "You two are sleeping together now?"Ruby asked, way too innocently.

 "Maybe more than that" Yang said with a wink.

Ruby looked at her confused. I threw a pillow at Yang.

 "Just. Sleeping." I growled out.

 "Well duh. What else do you do in a bed?" Ruby asked.

 I whirled at Lapis. "Do not answer her." I growled.

 She held her hands up. Ruby looked confused.

 "C'mon guys. They had a big fight today. Let's let them get some sleep." Pyrrha said, motioning the rest of them out.

 "thank you" I whispered to her as she was leaving.

 "No problem." She said and smiled. I closed the door behind her.

 "Ox. Keep looking at the door, we're changing."

 "Fine" I said.

 I unzipped my vest and took off my shorts.

 "We're good." I went over and laid down with Velvet. And immediately passed out.    

Team OPLL- A RWBY story. Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now