Chapter 11: Chaos

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Merrick and I hauled ass towards the west landing pad. I could hear the screaming intensify as we got closer. I also heard growling Grimm. I smiled and saw Merrick smile too.

We'd been partners for over year. He was my right hand and second-in-command of my team. We'd been through hundreds of hours of training and countless battles with Grimm, bandits, and the White Fang together. Plus, we'd been fighters before coming to Shade. You didn't survive in Vacuo without being a fighter.

That being said, I wasn't jumping to any conclusions. That was sloppy, and that got people killed.

We slowed when we got to the entrance, weapons out. I looked out and saw what we were up against. Four Beowulf's inside. Five Griffin's terrorizing the ships outside.

"I got the Wolves. You take the flyers. Try to lead them away from the evac ships as best you can."

He nodded and used his semblance to fly off, saber in hand. Merrick was a man of few words.

I grabbed my axe and charged towards the Wolves.

The Alpha of the pack saw me and howled. I switched me axe to its secondary form, which Nora called a "Sparky Gun". I would have preferred Lightning Gun, but one doesn't argue with Nora.

I shot the Alpha in the head and shot the two wolves on either side. My gun didn't have enough power to kill, but it didn't need to kill. It needed to stun them long enough for to reach them.

I switched back to axe mode and decapitated the Alpha with one strike and used my momentum to take the leg off the Beowolf to it's left.

The Beowolf I didn't stun leaped at me, teeth snapping. I hardened my skin and threw up my left arm. It bit down on my metal arm and I decapitated it with another swing of my axe. I dropped my semblance and charged toward the uncrippled Beowolf. It was still shaking off the effects of my gun and died as quickly as the others. I ran over and finished off the one-legged one.

The whole fight took maybe a minute and I went to check on Merrick. He was finishing off the two remaining Griffins. I looked and smiled when I saw what his plan was. He was using his preferred elemental strike, Ice, and was freezing the wings of the Griffin's, who they plummeted down to the ground. Smart.

He finished the last one and flew over to me. "That all of them?" he asked.

"On this side. Let's evac the civilians, then check on the others."

We split up to help civilians onto the transport ships.

I helped pull debris off of people and carry them to the transports. Atlas bots were helping direct civilians.

Then, it all went wrong. The faces of the bots went red and then started firing at me.

Growing up in Vacuo teaches you a lot. It teaches you how to fight at a level the other kingdoms don't. The only person I've met who fights like he's from Vacuo and isn't, is Ox and that's because he, like us, grew up fighting for survival. When you grow up like that, you don't hesitate when the situation changes. You adapt, or you die.

So, when the bots started firing at me, I didn't hesitate. I hardened my skin and charged at them. I saw Merrick slash out and decapitate one.

I slashed out and cut the lead bot in half, then pivoted on my heel and slammed the butt of my axe into the face plate of another bot. Destroyed it, then brought my axe down and cut another bot in half lengthwise. Merrick flew by me and cut another three to pieces, before landing next to me.

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