Chapter 9: Fight

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"Oh crap! Nevermore coming in!" TJ called as the giant Nevermore broke through the barrier.

My mind was still reeling from the fight. Penny was a robot. That explains why she gave off a slight metallic scent. While I tried to process that, my instincts kicked in and I charged towards the arena. Ruby was already down there with Pyrrha, who looked like she was in shock.

The Nevermore was going in for another run, when a bunch of lockers crashed down on top of it. My group copied the idea, our lockers landing on the arena. We had been higher up and it took us a bit longer to get down to the arena.

We got there right as the others finished off the Nevermore. We gathered our weapons and joined the others, as professors Port and Oobleck showed up and told us to leave. Ruby protested, but Oobleck cut her off.

As we were heading out, Ruby stopped me. "Ox. I know you're good with machines. Can you..." her voice broke and she motioned to Penny's remains.

I shook my head. "Her body maybe. I doubt it though because that's advanced Atlas technology. But I can't rebuild her soul, Ruby. I'm sorry." She nodded, unable to speak and ran towards the others. 

I did get an idea though and grabbed four of her swords, threw them in my locker, and sent it flying off before catching up with the others.

Halfway to the docks, I heard something and motioned for the group to stop. "There's more Grimm in the arena. Not everyone's evaced yet." I looked to the crowd. "Lapis and I will clear the Grimm up here, the rest of you get down there."

"Hell no. We're staying too." TJ said.

"Us too." Dustin said.

"And me." Flynt said.
"You are not leaving me behind." Velvet said.

I shook my head. "TTNM okay. DMND, Flynt, Velvet, not a chance in hell." I held up my hand before they could protest. "I'm not keeping three combat teams up here. There won't be that many Grimm. We'll help evac up here and meet you guys on the ground. That's where the majority of the fight is going to be, and we'll need as much man power down there as possible."

Velvet wanted to argue, but Coco took her arm. "He's right Vel."

Velvet looked to her, then turned and ran to me. I embraced her. "Promise me you're coming back to me, love."

"I promise." I said, sealing it with a kiss. She nodded and ran back to the group, which started running towards the ships. "Dustin! Find Carli and Lazuli!" I called.

"Will do!" he called.

I turned to TTNM and Lapis. "Lapis and I will take the South landing pad. TJ, split your team in half and take the East and West ones."

He nodded and head towards the West one with Merrick, leaving Nora and Talia to take the East one. Lapis hopped on my shoulders and I used my semblance to boost us towards the South pad on the other side of the arena.

When we got there, it looked like a scene from hell. Stands were on fire. People were screaming and running everywhere. I heard gunfire. "Sounds like the guards are putting up a fight." I said as we ran to the sounds.

It wasn't the guards.

It was the White Fang, firing indiscriminately into the crowd. One of them, a tall, barely horned, red-haired man with a black shirt and red sword appeared to be the leader.

"Lapis! I'll take the Fang. Protect the civilians!" I ordered. By the look on her face, I could tell she didn't like that plan. Me neither, as it meant taking on seven White Fang fighters by myself. But she nodded and headed for the crowd. I charged towards the Fang, bringing my cannon up to bear.

They saw me a second too late. I fired grapeshot at the line of them, falling two. Dead or unconscious, I didn't know and didn't much care. These assholes were unloading on civilians. Man, woman, child, it didn't matter to the them. Two of them broke off to handle Lapis. I crashed into the others, my hammer cracking bones and skulls until I got to the leader.

"You're that Mega-Faunus. Ox, right? I'm sure whatever human named you thought that was clever."

"Hey, He-of-the-Little-Horns, I'm not a dog. I named myself." That seemed to piss him off and he charged at me.

I used my semblance and swung at him full power. He half unsheathed his sword and blocked it. Bastard was strong. I laid into him with four more blows, each one blocked the same way. I jumped back and fired fire balls at him, which he dodged. He in turn, converted his sheath to a rifle and fired at me. I boosted my aura and took the hits. The force of them however, pushed me towards the edge. I saw him grin, sheathed his sword, then slashed faster then I thought he could move.

If I hadn't been boosting my aura, he'd have cut me in half. Instead, I saw my aura break and a line of fire formed on my chest. Blood exploded out and I fell to my knees.

"You should have joined us. You would have been perfect for the White Fang. Hell, maybe one day you could have ruled it. Instead, you chose to side with the humans. The same humans who have oppressed our kind for years. Who think of you as a freak. Why would you side with them, over your fellow Faunus?"

"I...didn't. i...don't care about...any of...that crap." I said, barely able to talk. I was starting to get dizzy from blood loss. " Horns" I said.

He snarled and slashed out. I immediately lost vision in my right eye and fell to the ground. I heard someone call my name, and the rotors of a bullhead. I got back up, barely, and saw him heading towards the open door of a bullhead. I raised my hammer, clicked over to High-Explosives and fired. He spun around and fired right before I pulled the trigger. My hammer exploded and I felt shrapnel imbed itself all over my body. The explosion pushed me over the edge and I felt myself fall.

"velvet...I'm sorry..." I said, before the blackness took me.

Lapis's POV

As soon as Ox charged into the group, I threw up a shield to protect the civilians, while one-handing my rifle to try and shoot the remain Fang members. One took cover behind an overturned souvenir stand and one was hiding behind the hangar opening. I found my own cover behind a food counter. I saw Ox dealing with the others and their cries of pain distracted the other two. I nailed the one behind the hangar door with a shot to the face that dropped him like a sack of rocks. The other one though, got me with a shot to the ribs that, while it didn't break my aura, it put a hole in my tank top. I fired two more shots and ran out of ammo. Crap.

He must have noticed because he started laughing. "What's wrong little human? Forget to count your bullets?"

That pissed me off, so I charged at him, switching my rifle to ax mode, and slashed at him.

He freaked and dropped his gun, and I knocked him out the butt of my ax.

"What's the matter asshole? Forget your helmet?"

I turned and saw Ox, right as the leader cut out his eye. 


I ran over the battlefield, passed the dead and unconscious. I made it to the hangar, right as Ox's hammer exploded and threw him off the arena.

I didn't hesitate. I jumped off and angled my body to catch up with him.

I threw my arms around his chest and created a dome shield, praying tothe gods that my semblance would hold as the ground got closer and closer. Ibraced for impact and my last conscious thought was "This is gonna hurt."     

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