I'm...a little Jealous

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There was something about the existence of the picture he couldn't figure out. Usually one kept a picture of their most loved one in that spot, so why wasn't there a picture of her family instead?

Luhan felt his eyes burn into Kai's broad smile and Namjoo's gleaming face. That bright smile she always gave Kai was one she never gave to anyone else. A tight fist clenched his heart the longer he stared at it. That smile...it irked him.

The quick pounding of footsteps caught his attention and he quickly turned around while closing the wallet.

"The food's not here yet?" were the only words Namjoo ever uttered to him the whole way to Haenam.

As they night darkened they fell asleep; Namjoo with her head bobbing by the window and Luhan with his head drooping to the side. When he awoke the sun was just rising bathing the sky in a dusk of a mixture of pretty pink and blue colors. The bright glowing orange orb was slowly and magically rising.

In college many of his friends had gone on dates to watch the sunrise. It was romantic, they'd always told him without explaining further. Luhan had never grasped the reason why it was considered romantic watching the day start with a lover. Why the particular concept?

He caught the movement of Namjoo's head before her eyes opened and she turned sleepily to look at the sky before closing her eyes again. Suddenly he wondered if she'd been working a late shift before the trip. If so, she'd be tired; very tired.

Turning away from the window he stared at the chair ahead and listened to the silence in the bus drone on. Finally, they arrived at the bus terminal a few hours later. Making their way through the swarming group of people they escaped toward the road outside. As the day was beginning so was the day of everyone else. The sight of taxis lined up along the curb never ceased to amaze him. He and Namjoo quickly caught one before Namjoo leaned forward to hand the driver a piece of paper; perhaps the address to the resort.

Like in the bus they never talked to each other. At the back of his head he wondered whether Namjoo was giving him the cold shoulder. After turning down corners and bends of woody forests a pale building came into sight. Beyond it were blue waves smashing upon the shore gently.

When the taxi came to a stop he watched Namjoo open her wallet before handing the driver some bills. It was the sight of the wallet again that grabbed most of his attention and when Namjoo opened the door to step out, he followed. Immersed with pulling his backpack out of the trunk he hadn't noticed the front door of the resort open.

Ki Chan walked out happily, "You made it!"

"Ki Chan!" Namjoo excitedly greeted.

"You're here?" Chae Yoon stepped out from behind him with a perky smile on her red lips. "I heard you couldn't come because of work."

Luhan felt her eyes stain his before he glanced at Namjoo beside him.

"It's good that you're able to make it, lets have a good time," Ki Chan walked over with that overly bright smile of his and took the duffel bag from Namjoo. "Let go in. It's really a masterpiece."

"Well that makes me excited," Namjoo happily smiled and immediately followed him in.

Luhan instinctively followed, but as he neared the door he felt Chae Yoon purposely bump shoulders with him.

"You really came," she muttered.

Ignoring her he continued inside and followed Ki Chan and Namjoo up the stairs. When he arrived at the top he peered around immediately impressed by the interior design of the resort. The scent of fresh furniture aroused his nostrils when he peered toward the living area and turned upon hearing Namjoo gasp.

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