Day 4

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Next morning,
  Tiffany was in her house crying. Ariana was trying to cheer her up.
"Ariana does he mean that, am I a prostitute?" She catechized.
(Ariana nodded her head no)
"I know you said no because you like him" Said Tiffany.
(Ariana looked so cute, then her door bell rang).
"Who is there now" Said Tiffany.
(Tiffany dried up her tears and went to the door, she opened it).
"Hey bestie" Said  a Chocolate brown chic with Beautiful hazel eyes,purple lips wearing a cream crop top and black jeans with black leather boot
"Talia" Said Tiffany shocked. "Yes it is me" Said Talia.
(They enclosed each other).
"Come in" Said Tiffany.
(Talia came in with her luggage).
"I heard you lost your job before I saw you and now you  are doing fine with these new job" Said Talia. "Would  you like cup of coffee?" She Quired. "I love to with cream " Said Talia. "Coming up" Said Tiffany filled with joy.
(Ariana climbed on Talia's legs to her lap)
"My beautiful Ariana, how are you?" Talia questioned.
(Ariana barked).
"You look healthy since Tiffany got that job but I hope you are protecting her from those disgusting idiots" Said Talia.
(Ariana giggled).
"I love you" said Talia.
(Ariana licked her).
"Awwwn, you guys look cute" Said Tiffany.
"Thank you" Said Talia.
(She took a cup of coffee)
"I prepared it as you like it" Said Tiffany. "I love it. Am thinking do you have cookies so I can eat it with this delicious tea" Said Talia. "I do, I will be right back" Said Tiffany.
(She entered the kitchen).
"Woah, she has been practicing, she is good that I want to try her food" Said Talia talking to Ariana.
(Ariana wagged her tail).
"Love this tea" Said Talia.
(Ariana jumped off of  Talia and went to the window).
"Ari, what is wrong?" Said Talia.
(Talia went to her and saw a elegant young man, he had a built body , tall and looked sad).
"What a delicious meal we have here"  Said Talia.
(Ariana looked at her).
"What, he is hot and looks sad to" Said Talia.
(The young man dropped the letter on the mat. He then left with his luxury car. Tiffany came out from the kitchen with the cookies. She saw Talia looking sad with Ariana).
"What is wrong with both of you?" She questioned. "There is a letter at the front of the door" Said Talia. "So, is that the reason  why are you guys frowning?" She interrogated.
(She went to the door and saw two letters. One was pink and the other was plain cream).
"Check the pink letter" Talia ordered. "Why are you so curious about the pink letter? Tiffany catechized. " Well you know my favorite colour is pink" Said Talia. "What!,but your favorite colour is Blue how come it is pink " Said Tiffany. "Just check the pink one" Said Talia. "Okay Miss nosey" Said Tiffany. "Woah that is really funny, please check it" Said Talia. "You are a bitch you know that" Said Tiffany. "I know, that why everyone loves me" Said Talia.
(Tiffany gave her a revulsioning look, Talia chuckled. She took the pink letter and saw beautiful designs on it. She opened it and saw wonderful drawings on it. She looked down on the letter and saw a delicate handwriting that made Tiffany want to marry it. Talia saw Tiffany rudding).
"Are you rosining?" Talia Crossed-questioned.
(Tiffany turned at her and smirked).
"Am not, I just love the handwriting, the person really took his time to write it" Said Tiffany. "And am sure that is so romantic" Said Talia. "Romantic, what romantic, I do not have a boyfriend" Said Tiffany. " Of course you do, but you do not know" Said Talia. "You are dreaming" Said Tiffany. "Yes, I love to dream, but you love to dream more not knowing the person in your dream will smack you on your head and tell you I was here all along waiting for you to be mine" Said Talia. "I think you drank a lot if beer before you came in. Maybe you should rest" Said Tiffany.
(Talia Sniggered).
" you make me want to split one's slide out just because of your stupidness" Talia tittered.
(Tiffany looked at her stunned).
"You are giving that I do not like what you said. Baby girl I know when you are bluffing and when you meet someone. You think I came here to gang up and go to parties, I came here to see you and observe your sex life" Said Talia.
(Talia guffawed. Tiffany was so  astounded).
"Am just kidding, but it is true, so read it and let mama knows what is going on" Said Talia.
(Ariana laughed).
"You are also giggling and not wondering what is wrong with your lunatic friend" Said Tiffany. "Nothing is wrong with me, am just in the mood to mess you up. So Darling read the letter" Said Talia. "Wow, I think kept to much sugar , okay let read the letter before your crazy brain links and beat my ass off" Said Tiffany.
(Talia winked at her).
"It goes,
   Dear Tiffany,
    How are you?. How is Ariana. I hope you all are doing fine? I am really sorry for what I said the other day. Which was so rude of me calling you that name. I hope you can forgive me in your beautiful heart just as beautiful as you. 
   I am offering you a job to work in my company. Since the danger you are falling through which is not good for a pretty lady like you. Also, am also giving you a home in my house because of the complains I heard from many people on the streets you do things with.
  I know by now you wouldn't insists because of what I did. But am really so sorry. In addition, if you insisted you can come and meet me in my company called the Diamond Hudderson's company. I would be glad to see you there.
                                      Yours sincerely,
                               Mateo Hudderson.
" woah that is to formal and little bit romantic " Said Talia. " Yes I know, but what happened to oh my gosh he sent that" Said Tiffany. " First of all, you are talking to Mateo Hudderson. The most handsome man alive. The richest upon the kings, the bravest like the Knight, that is unbelievable. You are so lucky even luckier than that old woman who fell in love with a dead old man who everyone is praising " Said Talia. "What is fucking  going on in this world" Said Tiffany. " Well you be surprise she is even marrying him on your birthday " Said Talia. "What?, are you kidding me?" Said Tiffany. "So congratulations, you are invited to her wedding and happy birthday on February 6 Tiffany" Said Talia.
(Talia simmered)
" This world is full of demons and am not going to her wedding seeing her marrying a non living thing" Said Tiffany. "Non living is now a dead man" Said Talia. "Yes, it does not have a soul and it is not breathing so is a non living thing" Said Tiffany.  "See someone who went to school" Said Talia.
(Tiffany laughed).
"Secondly, Mr Hudderson is someone who is so romantic and funny. But to you he is just a friend" Said Talia. "Yes, because we are friends" Said Tiffany. "But I think he is being a friend to you so he can know you better and when the time comes he will ask you out. Then you will be Mr and Mrs Hudderson" Said Talia. "You dream a lot my old friend, just go and sleep tomorrow is a big day for all of us" Said Tiffany. "Okay mummy, but I hope you will accept his offer" Said Talia. "Just sleep my princess" Said Tiffany.
(She kissed Talia on her cheek).
"Your lips are so soft " Said Talia. "I know, so go to bed before spy monkey will attack you" Said Tiffany.
(Talia looked at her)
"What?" Said Tiffany. "Spy monkey will attack me. Is that what you tell your children when they are small. Woah you will be a great mother lying to your kids" Said Talia. "And you will be a bad mother teaching them about Union" Said Tiffany. "That what makes a good mother!" Said Talia  shouted going upsides.  "Of course and that what makes you a bad friend!" Tiffany yelled. "But you love me" Said Talia.
(She looked at her from upsides smiling at Tiffany)
"Stop gigging and go to bed" Tiffany ordered. "Goodnight everyone!" Talia howled.  "Goodnight dreamer" Said Tiffany.
   Afterwards, Tiffany cleaned up the kitchen, took Ariana to her room and wrapped her up. Switch off the lights and went to her room.
    Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed the story like I did writing. Will Tiffany  accept the job and the house. Whose knows. Will Talia follow her to her new job and house and embrace her infront of Mateo like she always does. Is Ariana a friendly dog or a mysterious dog trying to bring two beautiful flowers together. I do not know. I am not the one writing the story, it is her. Am just kidding it is me. So please comment on it, vote to and follow me on Instagram named bloomgwengrace. Love you all and good day

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