Day 8

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Talia woked up hearing someone singing. She went to the garden and saw John singing. He voice was lovely.
"Until one day you will be mine" Said John. "Wow, I never knew you can sing sometimes I just think you are useless" Said Talia.
(She came to him and sat down on the bench ).
"Thanks" Said John
(He giggled, Talia was surprised when he did that).
"You look shocked when I did that right?" He required. "Yea" Said Talia. " Because I do not have time to argue with someone like you" Said John.
(Talia's hand became red).
"I like you" Said John.
(Talia glanced at him).
"Because you are someone to hang with even if we hate each other" Said John. "You think I hate you?" She questioned. "Yea, I can see it through your pupils" Said John.
(Talia stood up and went to the waterfall to check).
"Don't worry people hate me first before they like me just like me and Mateo" Said John.
(Talia rotated her head to the left and looked bewildered).
"Mateo hated you" Said Talia. "Yea, because my business was getting popular more than his, but it is normal" Said John.
(Talia still stared at him).
"Also not only that he told me I have something in me that is evil but it is not yet discovered" Said John.
(Talia 's expression could explain a thousands words).
"I know right, I was so confused when he said that" Said John. "Maybe it is true, anyone has a evil side" Said Talia. "Not me I hate the word 'evil' " Said John.
(Talia simpered).
"Come I want to tell you something" Said John.
(Talia came to him).
"You think Mateo is a good guy right" He asked. "Yea" Said Talia. "See Mateo can be someone who has a pretty face with every highly intelligent brain but there is a dark side of him that no body knows but only me" Said John. "So what is it? She inquired. " see how she said so what is it, girl"Said John.
(Talia chortled).
" you promise you won't tell anyone?"He requested her. "Yes I swear" Said Talia. "Good, his dark side is about his business" Said John. "That is common, every business men have a dark side about  their business, I was thinking it was something about he is in a cult, or a robbery gang, business that is cool" Said Talia. "Very funny, but it is worse" Said John. "Worse like your own, am sure it is" Said Talia. "You like to take everything as a joke. Girl, can't you not be serious in your life than cracking jokes" Said John angry. "I can, but you won't like me" Said Talia.
(John smiled at her).
"See that handsome smile there, so what is in his business" Said Talia.
"That he is behind you" Said John.
(She turned and screamed, John and Mateo laughed at her).
"Happy Hawollen!" Mateo and John echoed.
"You guys are devils, so, all this was yo scare me" Said Talia. "Yea, I knew you are a type of person that love interesting story to listen to. so, we decided to form one by distracting you so Mateo can scare you" Said John. "And you did a great job" Said Talia.
(The boys chuckled).
"Pretty boys, I love pretty boys" Said a haunted voice. "Who is there" Said John. "Pretty boy with lovely deep voice I loveeee that" Said the eerie voice. "Please we are not afraid of you, come out and let us see you" John demanded. "Yea" Said Mateo.
(Then thunder strike, the clouds were opening).
"What is going on!" Said Matthew running to them.
(Then a dark light was showing, a tail was coming down as it was).
"Ahhhhhh Ahhhhhh ahhh!" Matthew screamed and fainted.
(The thing came out from the cloud, it face was so ugly you can't look at, it was staring to their soul that John couldn't feel his bones).
"What are you doing to us?" Talia interrogated. "You are been punished for asking that question!" Said the bloodcurdling voice. "Why?" Mateo Bided. "Another question, humans with questions" Said the daunting sound. "If I tell you are beautiful can you leave us alone?" John quizzed. "Oh thank you. You are very kind and simple-minded , So the answer is NO!"Said the ugly ghost.
(Talia fell down and close her eyes).
" Talia!"John screamed. "You will all die for waking me up for 500 years, Ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!" Said the ghost.
(The ghost  came and passed through them and came back giving them a intimidating look).
"You are so pretty" Said John. "Thank you, Tiffany attack them" The ghost ordered.
(Tiffany came flying around. She came to Mateo touching his Black silk hair).
"What have you done to her!" He yelled.
(Mateo started snivelling).
"Oh I thought you didn't like her look at your friends to" Said the  repulsive ghost.
(Talia and Matthew's bodies were peeling off, their soul came out flying. They changed into monster ghosts).
"Very soon it will be your turn" Said the alarming monstrous ghost.
"Let run and Tiffany and I are friends" Said Mateo. "Run and stop talking idiot!" Said John running to the house.
(Mateo followed and they entered and locked the door)
"Stupid boys, next time don't scare my friend" Said Tiffany.
(The cloud become normal and Tiffany, Talia and Matthew laughed).
"See their faces" Said Matthew.
(Matthew demonstrated their face expression).
"Yea, what have you done to Tiffany!" Said Talia. "Yea" Said Tiffany. "We did a great job setting the laptop, projector , the puppet, the actors and actress and also the camera" Said Matthew. "Because we all followed my plan" Said Tiffany. "Wow I never thought you can scare someone like that Tiffany" Said Talia. "Maybe because she is gentle" Said Matthew. "Don't worry he will love you and stop frowning" Said Talia. "Am not sad he said we are just friends" Said Tiffany.
(She cried on Talia).
"He is a guy, guys do that  to test the girls, if I like a girl I will do the same" Said Matthew. "Oh, so you to will pretend you do not like her" Said Talia . " Yes, guys do that to show they are not emotional " Said Matthew. "Of course" Said Talia.
(Tiffany kept on weeping).
"Don't worry Tiffany eventually he will attempt when someone comes into your life" Said Matthew. "You mean when another guy likes her and he is pouring his feelings for her that will make him to  attempt to her?" Said Talia asking. "Yes, you know guys loves games" Said Matthew.
(Talia gave a malignant smile).
"You are right" Said Talia.
  (They went inside and found themselves trapped on a net).
"Mateo and John stop playing your stupid games and get us down!" Tiffany shouted. "Wow I never thought it will come from you " Said Mateo.
(He surveyed her, Tiffany looked away quickly, John brought them down).
"So you ladies and Matthew scared us?" John queried. "Yes we did" Said Tiffany, Talia and Matthew.  "That is impressive" Said John. "Whose plan was it?" Mateo clamoured. "Me" Said Tiffany.
(Mateo gave a unsettling view).
"She is beautiful, smart and can scare someone that is the type of woman I like" Said John. "Boy if you talk one more time, I will punch you until you bleed" Said Mateo.
(He gave a indignanted look at John, John, Talia, Matthew, and Tiffany were staggered).
"Okay I will shut up" Said John stepping back. "Great job everyone" Said Mateo.
(He went upsides to his room).
"I have to go to, to see what is going on in his blocked brain" Said John.
(John ran to Mateo's room).
"Me to, I hate seeing master like this" Said Matthew.
(Matthew ran to Mateo's room).
"Me to" Said old lady holding a mop.
"Mrs Costello you can't go to Master room with a mop" Said Talia. "I know because am leaving it and seeing my dear baby" Said Mrs Costello.
(She went to his room).
"My mum has gone right" Said a pretty small girl."right" Said Tiffany. "That good, tell her I went shopping for biscuits for the master" said the little girl. "Be careful Katherine" Said Tiffany. "I will" Said Katherine.
(She left).
"Can you believe what is going on!" Talia bawled "I can" Said Tiffany. "Mateo was Jealous" Said Talia. "Are you sure?" She pressed. "Yes am sure, didn't you not see his face" said Talia elated. "I did, it was cute" Said Tiffany.
(Talia chuckled).
"We girls dream a lot" Said Talia. "For love" Said Tiffany.
(They giggled).
"This year will be awesome" Talia wailed. "I love you" Said Tiffany. "I love you more for bringing drama into my wonderful holiday" Said Talia.
(Tiffany laughed).
"But something is missing" Said Talia.
"Something like what?" Tiffany questioned. "Heartbreak, we need heartbreak" Said Talia.
(Tiffany walked away).
"Seriously we need" Said Talia.
(She followed Tiffany).
  In Mateo's room,
"Master are you okay because have not see you behave like this" Said Mrs Costello. "Am okay, nothing happened" Said Mateo. "But you yelled and your face is red " Said Mrs Costello.  "Am okay Costello" Said Mateo. "Okay, you sound as if you were Jealous" Said John. "Exactly" Said Matthew. "Am not Jealous, it just happened" Said Mateo. "Really" Said Matthew. "Someone is playing with his feelings" Said John. "Just attempt you like her Mateo" Said Mrs Costello. "Thanks for caring" Said Mateo. "Here we go, you always have to start with that so no one won't want to know what is wrong with you, continue to throw us away my dear friend" Said John. "Thanks for caring, but she is just a friend not a crush" Said Mateo. "Okay people you heard him just friend let go and leave him to come to his senses" Said John.
(They left except John and Matthew).
"You know as you trying to keep your feelings,  you are also losing her, remember that" Said Matthew.
(He left them).
"He is right. That girl makes you go crazy " Said John.
(Mateo didn't say anything).
"Since you ever met her, you couldn't stop talking about her and now she is leaving  with us, I do not know what will happen to you" Said John.
(Mateo remained silent).
"Maybe one day you guys will have sex and you start pouring your feelings into it and when you are done you keep it and act normal, What happened to the real Mateo that is never afraid of showing his feelings" Said John.  "Maybe because of what you did" Said Mateo. "What did I do?" He questioned. "You are asking me or you are asking her!" He yelled.
(John looked at him).
"Don't behave like donkey, because of you I almost died because of her, that why I told myself I never want to fall in love again!" He shouted. "But you are now" Said John. "Don't talk to me, please leave my room" Said Mateo.
"Am not leaving until you calm down" Said John angry. "I said get out of my fucking room now!!!" He screamed at John. "Okay, that what you want" Said John.
(John went to the door).
"Fuck yourself" Said John.
(He left the room).
"Why is it coming back, I thought I can hold it" Said Mateo.
(Mateo screamed to his pillow, John came down marching to the parlour).
"How is Mateo?" Talia asked. "Don't talk about him, sometimes he has to learn how to control his anger" Said John.
(He ate the chips on a brown table)
"I can hear him shouting" Said Tiffany. "Just leave him, he will scream to his pillow and sleep off, that what he usually do" Said John. "Wow, I thought he will have sex to calm himself down" Said Talia.
(They stared at Talia).
"You do not know Mateo Hudderson, when he is angry don't come near him" Said Mrs Costello. "Only if he really loves you he can allow " Said Katherine.
(Tiffany was thinking, she stood up and ran to his room).
"Tiffany wait!" Shouted Talia.
(Tiffany entered).
"Please get the fucking out of my room" Said Mateo. "Mateo" Said Tiffany in sweet voice.
(Mateo raised his head up and gazed at her).
"You couldn't have come here" Said Mateo. "I just wanted to make sure you are okay Mr handsome" Said Tiffany.
(She smiled at him, he smiled back).
"What are you doing to me?" He required. "Nothing" Said Tiffany.
(She climbed on his bed and pecked his lips).
"That was cute" Said Mateo.
(She chuckled, she did it again).
"Thanks, but I think you should go" Said Mateo.
"But are you okay now?" She quizzed. "I am since you have" Said Mateo.
(Tiffany blushed).
"You are really pretty you know that" Said Mateo. "I know " Said Tiffany.
(He came close to her and flip her front hair, he stared to her soul).
"Don't ruin your face remember that" He warned her. "I won't do that" Said Tiffany.
(She chortled).
"Good, remember I am always in here" Said Mateo.
(He pointed to her chest).
"I will always find you Tiffany" Said Mateo.
(Tiffany was surprised).
"And I will always find you Mateo" Said Tiffany. "So that is a promise" Said Mateo.
(They kissed).

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