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It has been long time when I meet my crush .I am player but I never felt like this before, but the person I fell in love is my enemy.

I guess you already know who I am. I am butch jojo, son of mojo jojo and the person who i fell in love is buttercup. Why? I dont know, maybe because she is different. she is tomboy. she Isn't like any other girls and maybe because she hates me too. she is always trying to hurt me. you know what is funny about this? usually player breaks others heart while my heart is broken by girl.  Of course my brothers doesn't known about this. I am trying to hide it because if mojo hears about this he will kill Buttercup And after that i will kill him. no matter what.
I'll never tell BC about my crush because I know she will says no and I get hurt and i dont want this... but i dont want buttercup feel in love with person like me. I want to change but i cant because of my family. Ohh..mojo is calling my name so i guess we are going to attack city and fight with puffs... this is the hardest part of mojo's plan...
Because I am going to hurt battercup. if i wont mojo will.

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