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have you ever been in danger? have you ever felt how it was coming and you were not able to stop it? well raven haired girl was feeling this right now. she was curled into ball while was trying to not cry.

No no. Dont hurt them I am begging you. Please stop. I will do anything for you please stop!!

she begged at no one but voice in her head increased as caused headache. it did not hurt as much as Words. her eyes landed on picture in front of her. it was her family right? not related by blood but it was still her family. her Brothers, sweet mom and dad with Mask and Girls... oh how much she admired them. she got up and put her clothes on after calmjnd down but her eyes were still Red.

"what's Wrong kao?" asked miyako as she shrugged when they walked inside guild "kaoru.. you can tell us everything but we are not forcing you" added momoko as she nodded

Sorry girls... I wish I could tell you what's happening but I am afraid that you will ger hurt or leave me alone. I don't want to lose you.... both of you...

it was what she thought before walked inside classroom. as teacher start calling out names if pupils to check if they were here. "Ben boomer jojo? max butch jojo?" he kept calling out names as pupils rised their hands. kaoru set to raven haired boy again while teacher coughed "class today you have to write about your desk partner. 10 minute and no buts" he said as children nodded

soon everyone was ready. even kaoru and butch. boy known as butch jojo rised from her seat and read out

"name: kaoru matsubara
good traits: non
bad traits: stubborn, tomboy, rude, hag, idiot
more things about her:
she is still New for me but From past tem minute all I can say is how stubborn she is like her hair which she is pulling behind her ear. when she is nervous she is biting down her lower lip. when angry she is clenching her fists. what's this girl? no more or less then tomboy. Who wants to protect her friends. but always forgets herself. she is one who will treat others scratched shoulder then herself with blade digged inside her stomach. she is girl with raven hair and normal sized body. she is girl with pale face and she is girl with unusual lame green eyes which are as lifeful as her"

others looked at her. she did not know how to take that. as insult or as compliment. as she nervously grabbed paper and rised from her sit and start reading

"name:  max butch jojo
good traits: overprotective
bad traits: stubborn, playboys, rude, mean and etc
more about him:
I don't know what to write. I glanced at him and noticed that he was doing same. all I saw was his forest green eyes. and bingo. he has raven hair and forest green eyes. strong but pale.. and player but broken.. when you look into his eyes all you see is how lonely is he. maybe he has those bad traits to cover himself.. to heal himself. maybe he is playboys because someone rejected him? no one knows"

she said and set down while both of them nodded and each other. they would get along well from now

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