what happened last night

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When they saw each other they shout and both fall down from bad.
-what are you doing in my bad?
-I don't know
-what this means?
-this means I don remember
-lets see others
They went our from buttercups room
and say saw that momoko and brick was hugging each other in sleep and bubbles and boomer was sleeping together. They waked up and tried to remember what happened to last night and suddenly they saw pictures with voice effect in compiuter. First picture was mojo and he looked like girl. He was wearing make up and dress
Second was him. He was crying because acno called him puppet.
Third was ace he was look like some trash. Someone beat him up and when they hear effect they was confused. Ace was trying to kiss koaru but butch kick him and kiss koaru.
4th was momoko and brick. They were kissing and bubles and boomer was kissing to.so reds and blues are officially couple but what about greens?

Koaru: you know what?I am done with it and i will do this at this time
Suddenly she was standing like men when he is going to give girl ring and told butch
-butch jojo will you officially become my boyfriend no matter what?
-what the....fuck
-is this no?
-no no no no no and no yes I will
And suddenly he kissed koaru

and they lived happy forever

The and

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