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We were so close... but when they found out I run away...I don't wanted to be a broken again...
Don't worry I will go as soon as I can... I will...
-WE SAYD NO!!!you won't leave us. You are part of pawer puff girls z. You are buttercup yhe thiugers memeber of pawer puff girls z. You are only one who deservs to have thid belt... and you are our sister...our family and if you live if you do this...We wont live. Can you hear!!!
-jeez girls you are so scary!
-can you hear!!!
-yes mam!!!
-good know what about party! I have some plans!
-blossom if this olan is to clear up our house I am no longer here.
-dont eorry bc. Maybe blossom is crazy but I think I know what shr wants.
-bubbles you too.

What's plan???

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