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"I mojo jojo am going to destroy city mojo" shout mojo while let out a laugh "and I need your belts for this!" he added  and girls sighed. "mojo we aren't letting you" shout blossom as girls nodded but boys appeared behind them. "girls!" shout blossom as they flew at different directions. boomer of course chased miyako and brick chased blossom. that was leaving our two green alone. far from mojo.

"Butch jojo give up already" growled buttercup as held her hammer tightly. Butch only stood unfazed. he wanted to tell her. to say everything. to ask for forgive but. "Sonic hammer" shout buttercup amd attacked butch which flew up but barely dodging attack. "can't you guys just stop. everyone hates you" shout buttercup as she flew up too. "even you?" butch blurted out "OF COURSE" shout buttercup and kicked him towards ground. as flew down. "I.. I.." butch tried to say something. attack wasn't as painful as her words. even though they were so simple. girl seemed confused.. "tears.." she thought as stepped back. "I.. I better help others" she said and flew towards girls.. butch felt down as two stubborn tear rolled down on his cheeks" "Why me? Why god? Why I need this stupid feeling named love?why? Why she hates me so much? Why I can't tell her that I dont want to be evil anymore? Why?" he thought but staid quiet.

"what A jerk. who'd cry over attacks. looks like something is wrong with him. I wonder what.." thought buttercup before noticed that she cared for him. "nope. he was trying to act weak so you'd feel this way.. stop it kaoru" she thought again before attacked mojo. Of cource ppgz won.

day went fast.. girls were in their homes now. already sleeping because it was midnight. "no. no. " kaoru start repeating something as start sweating. fear was on her face.. she was shivering. "please don't" she shout as opened her eyes. girl was breathing heavily.  voice in her head start to talk again. as she covered her ears. HE knew it. HE was coming. HE was going to destroy her new life. He was going to kill her friends. "I won't let it.. not anymore.. I'll stay at good side forever.. I'm not joining dark anymore" she murmured as looked at picture where she was with girls "I'll fight for them" she said

 Who is HE? Whats going on?
And HE isn't HIM you understand right? Lets see what is going to happen next

Story About Greens (Buttercup And Butch)Where stories live. Discover now