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Mojo's attack wasn't always without destruction.. because of last attack school was destroyed. most of pupils were happy of course but they were send into another schools along with our girls.

Unfortunately they were send into different school. where boys are dangerous and girls are like slaves. where you must watch who you're talking and be careful. because one of guys always want to claim you as his slave.

but at this school.. you must not mess with three guy. because they'll destroy you. crush you like new toy.  they always get what they want. with Forse or without.

one of them Is ban. He has blue eyes and he is blonde. He is less dangerous then his brothers. He is cute but don't think he is angelm he is demon. but not more evil than Ron or Max.. even though he dates girl quickly and dumps them with speed of sound

other one  Is Ron. He is more dangerous then ban. he is hot but clever. He has got red eyes and aburn hair. believe me you have to stay away from him because even with glare.. he could kill you.

and last one is max. He is real monster. He can use his power to get what he wants. everything is owned by him. every girl every person. so stay away from boy with raven hair and green eyes because he is always triggering you.

every girl fears of them.. tries to avoid but no luck because they are everywhere. behind every tree and are always watching everyone. they are kings of school. even headmaster acno was unable to make them obey him. they are like stones. as hard and as cold as it.

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