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*this one is... interesting *awkward nervous laugh*

                                                       COUNTRY CLUB DRAMA


Oakheart's Country Club was the place you went if you wanted to run into every single person you didn't want to –which obviously was something that I was trying to avoid.

When I was younger I spent my fair share of time here since I considered it my second home. Everyone did. It had endless facilities and it was one of the many things Oakheart citizens wanted to brag about.

It was probably not the greatest idea coming here since I wanted to keep a low profile during my stay but it was the only place Annabelle and I could come and chat without accidentally bumping into her parents.

"Wow." I remarked as we sat down in one of the Country club's restaurant leather sofas "I haven't been here in a minute."

"When was the last time you were here?" she asked, taking her coat off.

I huffed "It's been definitely more than a year. Can't say I missed it."

She gave me an apologetic smile "Yeah I'm sorry for insisting to come here. I just really don't want to run into my parents."

I waved her off "No, its fine I know."

  Annabelle hadn't talked to her parents ever since she had announced to them that she was pregnant. Being narrow minded Christians, they never accepted it. They forced her to chose between having an abortion or leaving the house. Obviously she chose the second one and moved in with Jared and his family. To this day her parents hadn't made a single move to talk to her or see their grandchild. It sucked but thankfully Annabelle ended up with the family that loved her more than her own and took care of her and little Sam.

"Anyway," she said back to being cheerful "when did you came back? You didn't text me or anything."

"I know I wanted it to be a surprise. I came home just this morning; went Seth to practice did some errands..." or tried to "then helped mom and grandma in the kitchen for our Christmas dinner."

"Oh, that's it?"


She nodded "Right. How's Seth? Is he happy that you're back home?"

I nodded "Yeah. Relieved I would say. Mom has been giving him a hard time now that he's captain of the Lacrosse team; managing his schedule, his practices and pretty much everything else."

She rolled her eyes "That woman will never change."

"Tell me about it. Anyway enough about me. How's Jared? And where's Sam? Why didn't you bring him with you, I wanted to see him."

"Oh...Uhm... Jared took him to the playground. We're trying to have him around kids more."

"Why?" I said alerted, looking at her stomach.

She rolled her eyes "I'm not pregnant genius. Not yet at least."

"What!?" I asked surprised "Are you trying to have another baby?"

"No. But if we decide to make another one, we want it to be close to Sam's age."

"Better hurry up because he's growing up fast."

He Was Bad News {The Sequel to "He's Bad News"}Where stories live. Discover now