I miss you too.

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An AU that i thought in my head. I guess it's fluffy? 
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Laughter. It was all i heard. Then i turned my head to a male that was holding my small hands as we were sitting down. "Your hands are cold, Riks.. You're freezing. Come here." I ushered a way as i let out a small huff. "Just because you like me, doesn't mean i'm going to hug you nor kiss you, asshole." I cursed as i glared at his red eye while his other eye was covered up by a white hospital eyepatch. He pouted. "Why not? Can't you accept that you love me?" I blinked at him...."Sure. But do you love me back?"

I then woke up. What the fuck was that? I thought to myself as i shook my head. Must be that weird dream that i had last month.. Pulling the covers away that covered my small built yet tall body. I sighed as i looked at the time. 3AM. The devil's hour, yet it's just a stupid myth that started just to be popular. How pathetic.

Hi. My name is Ricci. Pronounced as Rik-si. I'm a painter-artist - whatever you called it - who just finished graduation last year. I work at a store called 7-Eleven to pay for my rent. For food.. I have my friends to give me some when i need them. 

Now that i think about it.. i should really buy some groceries. I got a big raise last week and i just paid my rent so i have enough to buy groceries. Time to be productive. Wooooo~ 

And yes. I talk in my thoughts a lot. It's productive at times but i don't really like talking normally. I'd rather be quiet. I tend to ramble and be a loud person when i do talk so i'm trying to avoid that.

Grabbing my apartment keys and my motorcycle keys, i walked out of the building - while locking my own apartment and saying goodbye to the nice lady at the receptionist desk because i'm a good person - and hopped on my parked motorcycle. I bought this after i graduate so that i didn't need to walk all the time. 

Checking my phone to where the nearest grocery store is, i drove myself to that store as quickly as possible. Theres a chance of my friends lingering around and i really don't want to talk to them. They'll probably boast about how they have been improving.

Oh yeah, i forgot to mention. In this world, fantasy and magic exist in this improved island that's called 'Leamore'. Everyone who has magic must be transferred here or else the island will never be its quiet self. Luckily everyone understood that so i'm right fit for this place.

Now you may be asking.. Whats my power? It's nothing special. I just have the ability to sprout out strings out of my hands with rainbow effects. ... It's basically useless. But i don't care at this moment. I never bothered on to improving it considering it's an arcane type of magic meaning i have to waste my energy which doesn't help my body at all.

Oh look i'm here. I stopped in front of a grocery store as i parked my motorcycle and walked inside. Since i'll end up buying at least 10 snacks and 20 real food so i might as well space out while i'm doing that.

Let's see.. I'm a black haired girl with rare gold eyes that can change into red. It's not because i'm angry or anything. It's just my natural eyes. I have a pale skin tone which pairs the fact that i can be a vampire. I'm asian thus why i have black hair. Oh, i also have purple tips on my hair because i love the color purple. 

I'm natural quick at finishing tasks but i can take my time but i'm usually rushing so i'm probably this close on to finishing the groceries. I'm a single pringle and that's how i roll. Not that i hate love or something. I don't really have the time for it. I'm a bisexual child so i'm part of the LGBTQ+ community.

I finished on getting the food as i dropped them all in the cart i strolled along with me. I guess i can buy some fruits and some shampoo, soap and etcetera. I then walked away from the food-snacks shelves and into the shampoo shelves. 

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