Cut my Hair

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possible animatic?

~ - ~

Often, i am upset

A knife was then thrown to the wall, targetting some kind of picture. That picture seems to be a picture about two people who are holding each other and being happy. A girl and a boy; maybe a couple, hugging each other with pure happiness.

That i cannot,

A young girl who has black hair with strands of brown and tips of purple huffed. The picture stuck to the wall with the knife stuck in it. The girl seems to be angry and upset. She sighed heavily while running a hand through her hair in a stressful manner.

fall in love

She pulled out something from her pocket. The thing that she pulled out was a locket in a perfect heart shape. It was a flattering gold color that shines within the light. There was a sentence that was written in the locket 'Love Forever'. You could hear a low growl coming from her as she throws the locket to the floor where the picture was.

This avoids the stress

She falls to the floor near the wall where her life was. Or where it used to be. She sighed heavily as she ran a hand through her hair once more.

of falling out of it

Tears stained her pale cheeks as she then hugged her knees and fell next to the wall. Curling up into a fetus position, the girl cried.

~ - ~

Are you

The black haired girl from earlier was walking around the park. She was wearing a hoodie with a mario ghost design painted along with some stockings, dark skirt and boots. As she walks around, head down, she lets out a heavy yet shaky sigh.

tired of me yet?

After letting out that sigh, tears started to fall once again but she wiped them quickly, not wanting to attract any attention and slip her hood up to cover her tear-stained face.

I'm a

Her phone started to ring. BNHA Opening 2 was playing as she quickly pulled it out and then accepted whoever was calling her at the moment.

little sick right now, but i swear

"Hey Ricci! Wanna hang out?" The girl, Ricci, answered the caller. "I'd love to. See you at the cafe?" The person, probably her friends, let out a happy response before hanging up. 

When i'm ready

 Putting her phone down, Ricci then let out a long breath that she was holding before wiping and cleaning her cheeks that were filled with tear-stains. She pulled her hood down and tied some strands of her hair into a short ponytail leaving the rest to her back.

i will fly us out of here

Taking a quick turn to the left, she made her way to the cafe where she and her friends decided to meet up. 

Meanwhile, a boy watched from the distance as he saw her walked away..

~ - ~

I'll cut my hair

Inside the cafe was a group of friends full of girls were talking and laughing. One was making a story while the others laughed at how the story was being narrated. 

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