uh oh;;

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serious themes up ahead, lovelies including my opinions


The first thing we should really do is stop every sign of racism, inequality, sexism and any 'ism'. We've seen what happened. We've seen what happened if we don't stop it. People die. Innocent people die all because of who they are and honestly, that's a big complete no.

It's honestly disgusting every time people are treated horrible for just being (slightly) different. I grew up with technology and was very much fascinated with it! And i'm slowly learning new things! But there was one thing that i taught myself every time i come upon new subjects: Respect.

I always respect the opinions, i never remarked, i only supported and had my own opinions that i kept to myself (didn't we say to keep our opinions to ourselves if we're only going to say pointless and useless subjects?).  I educated myself the best way i can understand myself on these subjects and respected them.

If you're not a huge fan of the subject, respect it and move on. That's the deal in the internet. There are fucking BLOCKING BUTTON for people to use to block tags or themes that they are uncomfortable at!! People also uses WARNINGS to WARN people from themes that trigger them!!

Now, how about in a real life situation? Oh dear.

I feel like respect doesn't seem to exist in real life..[warning] Everyone is always judging and making SURE that the person they are judging are aware of it! Which is so B-S. Bitch? What the fuck you on about? You tryna be the biggest gossip-bitch? Honey, you're a fucking ADULT. Act like one.

EVEN KIDS ARE RESPECTFUL AND POLITE DESPITE BEING KIDS! How about you people? Are you guys going to finally get the stick out of your ass and respect others? Or will you keep on judging because 'oh they're DIFFERENT!'.

Tsk-tsk, really.. Respect people, help them. There's no point on hating them for being different cause it's all useless. Educate yourselves and help yourselves to be a decent fucking person.

Rant asides, if i was a president or at least a politician i'd be spending my money donating and HELPING PEOPLE the best way i can! No joke! I don't care if i end up broke in the end, I WAS ABLE TO HELP.

But unfortunately that's hypothetical dream. 

Eitherway! What i really want for the world is for peace to settle and for everyone to learn, educate, respect and be an actual person. That's all i really wish for [not pray though, every time i pray something bad fucking happens.] and honestly? We can do that!

Look at the momentum and the movement happening! Everyone is teaming up to help and that's honestly fucking superb of everyone!! I'm so proud of you guys! Keep it up! We can do this! We, supporters must win this fight and never give up! Let's look back on the lives that we have unfortunately lost and go strong for them!

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