harry potter ting..

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this is a prologue of a project i wanted to do but i never went along with it since i didn't exactly know a lot about the harry potter lore since i was just focused on just seeing the movie. this didn't made sense since it was about my character and i was like "hhhh"

~ = ~

"Dear, Ms. Kryptonite

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Your term will begin on the first of August. We await your familiar by no later than the thirsty-first of July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmaster.

A little girl read out loud from the letter that was tightly grasped in her hands. Said hands was shaking, vibrating in excitement then she screams in joy, throwing her hands up the letter flies up in the air and fall delicately to the bed.

She runs around her bedroom, jumping with soft little 'woohoo!'s fist-bumping the hair and spinning in her computer chair as she lets out the excitement running inside her. She then jumps on to her bed, clutching her favorite pillow - it was a soft lavender colored pillow with rainbow flowers painted on them - hugging it to her chest.

She falls back on her bed, giggling to herself as the clock ticked to 9.

"Angel! Stop screaming, it's bed time!" A motherly voice called out from outside her door to which she nods at before realizing that the voice can't see her.

"Okay! Nighty night, ma!"

"Good night to you too."

Angel then decided to move the letter to her desk, pinning it so it won't be blown away before she shimmers down in her blankets, letting go of her pillow and hugging her plushie. She then reaches over her desk to turn on the lamp which then turns off the room's lights and showcases the galaxy on the ceiling.

She looks up in wonder - she always do this every night but she just can't help but stare in awe - as soft lofi music fills the room and she closes her eyes.





G-go away, sir..

Sir, p-please step back.


S-Sir what ar-re you do-oing?!




Ryushi wakes up to a ceiling with low budget cheap glow-in-the-dark stars that were still, fortunately working properly. She shifts her body to a side-ways position, taking note of the dark background outside the window.

The girl hums to herself, staring outside the window with frilly pastel curtains, waiting.

For what?

She doesn't know.

It was always like this, though. She would wake up after midnight - wow, new record; 2 hours of sleep! fantastic, job. - then she'll look at the window, waiting for something before she turns her position and scroll through the internet on her phone until 4am comes, then she can go downstairs and do her morning routine.

But today is a special day.

She's going to Diagon Alley to buy her stuff and get them ready for the next day. The day to go to Hogwarts. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardryy. It's been 2 years since she enrolled in the school and she's always excited to come back to the magic school she's grown to love. She can vividly remember her getting the letter.

Such memorable times.

But at the moment, she doesn't care about the memories as she scrolls through Tumblr once more. Stuck in her boring routine until the sun comes up.

~ = ~

words: 554 (not counting this segment)
setting: harry potter universe
form: drabble/prologue.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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